# CSSModules

An alternative to "magic string" classnames in Sass or SCSS. Currently supports Sprockets 2 only 😖.

Thanks to [Fatih Kadir Akın](https://twitter.com/fkadev) for his post, ["How I Implemented CSS Modules in Ruby on Rails, Easily"](https://medium.com/@fkadev/how-i-implemented-css-modules-to-ruby-on-rails-easily-abb324ce22d), which led the way on this idea!

## Usage

### Add modules to stylesheets

Your `.sass` or `.scss` stylesheets can define modules with `:module(module_name)`:

:module(events) {
  .header {
    font-style: bold;

  .link:visited {
    color: purple;

  #footer {
    font-size: 0.8em;

Sass requires an extra `\`:

    font-style: bold

### Put modulized names into HTML

To access the contents of a module in a view, you must include the helpers in your controller:

class EventsController < ApplicationController
  helper CSSModules::ViewHelper

(To use the view helper _everywhere_, include it in `ApplicationController`.)

Then, in your view, you can access the module & its contents by name:

<!-- access by module + identifier -->
<h1 id="<%= css_module("events", "main_header") %>">

<!-- block helper -->
<% css_module("events") do |events_module| %>
  <div id="<%= events_module.selector("footer") %>">
    <%= link_to "Home", "/", class: events_module.selector("link") %>
    © My company
<% end %>

### Use modulized names in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you can include a helper to access module styles:

//= require css_module

// Module + identifier
var headerClass = CSSModule("events", "header")
$("." + headerClass).text() // => "Events"

// Or module helper function
var eventsModule = CSSModule("events")

function header() {
  var headerClass = eventsModule("header")
  return (
    <h1 className={headerClass}>Events</h1>

`CSSModule` requires the global JS function `btoa`. To include a polyfill from this gem, add:

//= require base64

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'css_modules'

And then execute:
$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install css_modules


- Support minified identifiers for Production Env
- Dead code warning for Development env:
  - Warn when not all styles are used?
  - Sprockets require CSS to JS? `require_styles` ?
- Support plain `.css`
- Use Sass's built-in parser?
- Support Sprockets 3+

## License
