// (C) Copyright 2004, David M. Blei (blei [at] cs [dot] cmu [dot] edu) // This file is part of LDA-C. // LDA-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your // option) any later version. // LDA-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA #include "lda-model.h" /* * compute MLE lda model from sufficient statistics * */ void lda_mle(lda_model* model, lda_suffstats* ss, int estimate_alpha) { int k; int w; for (k = 0; k < model->num_topics; k++) { for (w = 0; w < model->num_terms; w++) { if (ss->class_word[k][w] > 0) { model->log_prob_w[k][w] = log(ss->class_word[k][w]) - log(ss->class_total[k]); } else model->log_prob_w[k][w] = -100; } } if (estimate_alpha == 1) { model->alpha = opt_alpha(ss->alpha_suffstats, ss->num_docs, model->num_topics); printf("new alpha = %5.5f\n", model->alpha); } } /* * allocate sufficient statistics * */ lda_suffstats* new_lda_suffstats(lda_model* model) { int num_topics = model->num_topics; int num_terms = model->num_terms; int i,j; lda_suffstats* ss = malloc(sizeof(lda_suffstats)); ss->class_total = malloc(sizeof(double)*num_topics); ss->class_word = malloc(sizeof(double*)*num_topics); for (i = 0; i < num_topics; i++) { ss->class_total[i] = 0; ss->class_word[i] = malloc(sizeof(double)*num_terms); for (j = 0; j < num_terms; j++) { ss->class_word[i][j] = 0; } } return(ss); } /* * various intializations for the sufficient statistics * */ void zero_initialize_ss(lda_suffstats* ss, lda_model* model) { int k, w; for (k = 0; k < model->num_topics; k++) { ss->class_total[k] = 0; for (w = 0; w < model->num_terms; w++) { ss->class_word[k][w] = 0; } } ss->num_docs = 0; ss->alpha_suffstats = 0; } void random_initialize_ss(lda_suffstats* ss, lda_model* model) { int num_topics = model->num_topics; int num_terms = model->num_terms; int k, n; for (k = 0; k < num_topics; k++) { for (n = 0; n < num_terms; n++) { ss->class_word[k][n] += 1.0/num_terms + myrand(); ss->class_total[k] += ss->class_word[k][n]; } } } void corpus_initialize_ss(lda_suffstats* ss, lda_model* model, corpus* c) { int num_topics = model->num_topics; int i, k, d, n; document* doc; for (k = 0; k < num_topics; k++) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_INIT; i++) { d = floor(myrand() * c->num_docs); printf("initialized with document %d\n", d); doc = &(c->docs[d]); for (n = 0; n < doc->length; n++) { ss->class_word[k][doc->words[n]] += doc->counts[n]; } } for (n = 0; n < model->num_terms; n++) { ss->class_word[k][n] += 1.0; ss->class_total[k] = ss->class_total[k] + ss->class_word[k][n]; } } } /* * allocate new lda model * */ lda_model* new_lda_model(int num_terms, int num_topics) { int i,j; lda_model* model; model = malloc(sizeof(lda_model)); model->num_topics = num_topics; model->num_terms = num_terms; model->alpha = 1.0; model->log_prob_w = malloc(sizeof(double*)*num_topics); for (i = 0; i < num_topics; i++) { model->log_prob_w[i] = malloc(sizeof(double)*num_terms); for (j = 0; j < num_terms; j++) model->log_prob_w[i][j] = 0; } return(model); } /* * deallocate new lda model * */ void free_lda_model(lda_model* model) { int i; for (i = 0; i < model->num_topics; i++) { free(model->log_prob_w[i]); } free(model->log_prob_w); } /* * save an lda model * */ void save_lda_model(lda_model* model, char* model_root) { char filename[100]; FILE* fileptr; int i, j; sprintf(filename, "%s.beta", model_root); fileptr = fopen(filename, "w"); for (i = 0; i < model->num_topics; i++) { for (j = 0; j < model->num_terms; j++) { fprintf(fileptr, " %5.10f", model->log_prob_w[i][j]); } fprintf(fileptr, "\n"); } fclose(fileptr); sprintf(filename, "%s.other", model_root); fileptr = fopen(filename, "w"); fprintf(fileptr, "num_topics %d\n", model->num_topics); fprintf(fileptr, "num_terms %d\n", model->num_terms); fprintf(fileptr, "alpha %5.10f\n", model->alpha); fclose(fileptr); } lda_model* load_lda_model(char* model_root) { char filename[100]; FILE* fileptr; int i, j, num_terms, num_topics; float x, alpha; sprintf(filename, "%s.other", model_root); printf("loading %s\n", filename); fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); fscanf(fileptr, "num_topics %d\n", &num_topics); fscanf(fileptr, "num_terms %d\n", &num_terms); fscanf(fileptr, "alpha %f\n", &alpha); fclose(fileptr); lda_model* model = new_lda_model(num_terms, num_topics); model->alpha = alpha; sprintf(filename, "%s.beta", model_root); printf("loading %s\n", filename); fileptr = fopen(filename, "r"); for (i = 0; i < num_topics; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_terms; j++) { fscanf(fileptr, "%f", &x); model->log_prob_w[i][j] = x; } } fclose(fileptr); return(model); }