require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'oily_png' require 'spec_data' class Element attr_reader :name, :by, :locator def initialize(name, by, locator) @name = name @by = by @locator = locator # wrapped driver @driver = Driver.driver # selenium web element @element = nil end def to_s "'#{@name}' (By:#{@by} => '#{@locator}')" end def element if @element.nil? or is_stale? wait = :timeout => Gridium.config.element_timeout, :interval => 1 if Gridium.config.visible_elements_only wait.until { @element = displayed_element } else wait.until { @element = @driver.find_element(@by, @locator); Log.debug("Finding element #{self}..."); @element.enabled? } end end @element end def element=(e) @element = e end def displayed_element found_element = nil #Found an issue where the element would go stale after it's found begin elements = @driver.find_elements(@by, @locator) elements.each do |element| if element.displayed? #removed check for element.enabled found_element = element; #this will always return the last displayed element end end rescue Exception => e if found_element Log.warn("An element was found, but it was not displayed on the page. Gridium.config.visible_elements_only set to: #{Gridium.config.visible_elements_only} Element: #{self.to_s}") else Log.warn("Could not find Element: #{self.to_s}") end end found_element end # ================ # # Element Commands # # ================ # # soft failure, will not kill test immediately def verify(timeout=nil) Log.debug('Verifying new element...') timeout = Gridium.config.element_timeout if timeout.nil?, timeout) end # hard failure, will kill test immediately def wait_until(timeout=nil) Log.debug('Waiting for new element...') timeout = Gridium.config.element_timeout if timeout.nil?, timeout, fail_test=true) end def attribute(name) element.attribute(name) end def present? begin return element.enabled? rescue Exception => e return false end end def displayed? begin return element.displayed? rescue Exception => e return false end end def enabled? element.enabled? end def clear element.clear end def click Log.debug("Clicking on #{self}") if element.enabled? ElementExtensions.highlight(self) if Gridium.config.highlight_verifications $verification_passes += 1 else Log.error('Cannot click on element. Element is not present.') end end def send_keys(*args) Log.debug("Typing: #{args} into element: (#{self}).") if element.enabled? ElementExtensions.highlight(self) if Gridium.config.highlight_verifications $verification_passes += 1 element.send_keys *args else Log.error('Cannot type into element. Element is not present.') end end def location element.location end def hover_over Log.debug("Hovering over element (#{self.to_s})...") # @driver.mouse.move_to(element) # Note: Doesn't work with Selenium 2.42 bindings for Firefox v31 # @driver.action.move_to(element).perform # @driver.mouse_over(@locator) if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.hover_over(self) # Javascript workaround to above issue else Log.error('Cannot hover over element. Element is not present.') end end def hover_away Log.debug("Hovering away from element (#{self.to_s})...") if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.hover_away(self) # Javascript workaround to above issue else Log.error('Cannot hover away from element. Element is not present.') end end def scroll_into_view if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.scroll_to(self) else Log.error('Cannot scroll element into view. Element is not present.') end end def size element.size end def selected? element.selected? end def tag_name element.tag_name end def submit element.submit end def text #this is used for text based elements element.text end def text=(text) element.clear element.send_keys(text) end def value #this is used for inputs and forms element.attribute("value") end # # Search for an element within this element # # @param [Symbol] by (:css or :xpath) # @param [String] locator # # @return [Element] element # def find_element(by, locator) Log.debug('Finding element...') element.find_element(by, locator) end # # Search for an elements within this element # # @param [Symbol] by (:css or :xpath) # @param [String] locator # # @return [Array] elements # def find_elements(by, locator) element.find_elements(by, locator) end def save_element_screenshot Log.debug ("Capturing screenshot of element...") self.scroll_into_view timestamp ="%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S") name =' ', '_') screenshot_path = File.join($current_run_dir, "#{name}__#{timestamp}.png") @driver.save_screenshot(screenshot_path) location_x = self.location.x location_y = self.location.y element_width = self.size.width element_height = self.size.height # ChunkyPNG commands tap into oily_png (performance-enhanced version of chunky_png) image = ChunkyPNG::Image.from_file(screenshot_path.to_s) image1 = image.crop(location_x, location_y, element_width, element_height) image2 = image1.to_image element_screenshot_path = File.join($current_run_dir, "#{name}__#{timestamp}.png") SpecData.screenshots_captured.push("#{name}__#{timestamp}.png") end def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) Log.debug("called #{method_sym} on element #{@locator} by #{@by_type}") if @element.respond_to?(method_sym) @element.method(method_sym).call(*arguments, &block) else super end end private def is_stale? begin if @element.enabled? return false end rescue Exception => e Log.warn("Stale element detected.... #{self.to_s}") return true end end end