describe MangoPay::Configuration do it 'fails when calling with wrong client credentials' do expect { c = MangoPay.configuration c.client_id = 'test_asd' c.client_apiKey = '00000' MangoPay::User.fetch() }.to raise_error { |err| expect(err).to be_a MangoPay::ResponseError expect(err.code).to eq '401' expect(err.message).to eq 'invalid_client' } end it 'goes ok when calling with correct client credentials' do reset_mangopay_configuration users = MangoPay::User.fetch() expect(users).to be_kind_of(Array) end describe 'logger' do around(:each) do |example| c = MangoPay.configuration c.logger = logger c.log_file = log_file c.logger = nil c.log_file = nil MangoPay.instance_variable_set(:@logger, nil) end context 'when the logger is set' do let(:logger) { } context 'when the log_file is set' do let(:log_file) { File.join(MangoPay.configuration.temp_dir, 'mangopay.log.tmp') } it 'initializes the logger using the logger option' do expect(MangoPay.send(:logger).instance_variable_get(:@logdev).dev).to(eq(STDOUT)) end end context 'when the log_file is not set' do let(:log_file) { nil } it 'initializes the logger using the logger option' do expect(MangoPay.send(:logger).instance_variable_get(:@logdev).dev).to(eq(STDOUT)) end end end context 'when the logger is not set' do let(:logger) { nil } context 'when the log_file is set' do let(:log_file) { File.join(MangoPay.configuration.temp_dir, 'mangopay.log.tmp') } it 'initializes the logger using the log file' do expect(MangoPay.send(:logger).instance_variable_get(:@logdev).dev).to(be_an_instance_of(File)) end end context 'when the log_file is not set' do let(:log_file) { nil } it 'raises an error' do expect{ MangoPay.send(:logger) }.to raise_error NotImplementedError end end end end context 'with multithreading' do after :all do reset_mangopay_configuration end before :all do MangoPay.configuration.client_id = 'default' thread_a = do @default_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id MangoPay.configuration.client_id = 'a' # Test #configuration= & #configuration config = config.client_id = 'a' MangoPay.configuration = config @before_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id # Test multithreading sleep 1 # Waits for thread B to do its business @after_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id # Test #configure MangoPay.configure do |c| c.client_id = 'configured' end @configured_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id # Test #with_config @before_with_config_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id config = config.client_id = 'with_config' MangoPay.with_configuration(config) do @with_config_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id end @after_with_config_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id end thread_b = do # Thread A does its business sleep 0.5 @thread_b_default_client_id = MangoPay.configuration.client_id # Will it impact the configuration in thread A ? MangoPay.configuration.client_id = 'b' end # Wait for both threads to complete thread_a.join thread_b.join end it '#configuration & #configuration=' do expect(@before_client_id).to eq('a') end it '#configure' do expect(@configured_client_id).to eq('configured') end it '#with_configuration' do expect(@with_config_client_id).to eq('with_config') expect(@after_with_config_client_id).to eq(@before_with_config_client_id) end context "since configurations are thread-local," do it 'threads get the last configuration set as default config.' do expect(@default_client_id).to eq('default') expect(@thread_b_default_client_id).to eq('a') end it "configurations are isolated from other threads' activity." do expect(@after_client_id).to eq('a') end end end end