module Tolk module Import def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def import_secondary_locales locales = Dir.entries(self.locales_config_path) locale_block_filter = { |l| ['.', '..'].include?(l) || !l.ends_with?('.yml') || l.match(/(.*\.){2,}/) # reject files of type xxx.en.yml } locales = locales.reject(&locale_block_filter).map {|x| x.split('.').first } locales = locales - [] locales.each {|l| import_locale(l) } end def import_locale(locale_name) locale = Tolk::Locale.where(name: locale_name).first_or_create data = locale.read_locale_file return unless data phrases = Tolk::Phrase.all count = 0 data.each do |key, value| phrase = phrases.detect {|p| p.key == key} if phrase translation = => value, :phrase => phrase) if count = count + 1 elsif translation.errors[:variables].present? puts "[WARN] Key '#{key}' from '#{locale_name}.yml' could not be saved: #{translation.errors[:variables].first}" end else puts "[ERROR] Key '#{key}' was found in '#{locale_name}.yml' but #{Tolk::Locale.primary_language_name} translation is missing" end end puts "[INFO] Imported #{count} keys from #{locale_name}.yml" end end def read_locale_file locale_file = "#{self.locales_config_path}/#{}.yml" raise "Locale file #{locale_file} does not exists" unless File.exist?(locale_file) puts "[INFO] Reading #{locale_file} for locale #{}" begin self.class.flat_hash(Tolk::YAML.load_file(locale_file)[]) rescue puts "[ERROR] File #{locale_file} expected to declare #{} locale, but it does not. Skipping this file." nil end end end end