require 'test_helper' class CommentTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest self.use_transactional_fixtures = false setup do ApplicationController.any_instance.stubs(:current_user).returns(nil) ApplicationController.any_instance.stubs(:authenticate_user).returns(false) DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation DatabaseCleaner.start Capybara.current_driver = :selenium @show_page = end teardown do DatabaseCleaner.clean Capybara.use_default_driver end test "leave root comment" do post = FactoryGirl.create(:published_post) visit proclaim.post_path(post) # Test leaving a root comment within('#new_comment') do fill_in 'Author', with: "Comment Author" fill_in 'Body', with: "Comment Body" fill_in 'What is', with: @show_page.antispam_solution end assert page.has_no_css?('div.error') assert page.has_text? "Comment Author" assert page.has_text? "Comment Body" end test "leave two replies" do comment = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) post = visit proclaim.post_path(post) # Leave first reply @show_page.comment_reply_link(comment).click within("#reply_to_#{}_new_comment") do fill_in 'Author', with: "Reply Author 1" fill_in 'Body', with: "Reply Body 1" fill_in 'What is', with: @show_page.antispam_solution(comment) end @show_page.new_comment_submit_button(comment).click assert page.has_no_css?('div.error') assert page.has_text? "Reply Author 1" assert page.has_text? "Reply Body 1" # Leave second reply @show_page.comment_reply_link(comment).click within("#reply_to_#{}_new_comment") do fill_in 'Author', with: "Reply Author 2" fill_in 'Body', with: "Reply Body 2" fill_in 'What is', with: @show_page.antispam_solution(comment) end @show_page.new_comment_submit_button(comment).click assert page.has_no_css?('div.error') assert page.has_text? "Reply Author 2" assert page.has_text? "Reply Body 2" end test "root comment should fail if spammy" do post = FactoryGirl.create(:published_post) visit proclaim.post_path(post) # Test leaving a root comment within('#new_comment') do fill_in 'Author', with: "Comment Author" fill_in 'Body', with: "Comment Body" fill_in 'What is', with: "wrong answer" end assert page.has_css?('div.error') end test "reply should fail if spammy" do comment = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) post = visit proclaim.post_path(post) @show_page.comment_reply_link(comment).click within("#reply_to_#{}_new_comment") do fill_in 'Author', with: "Reply Author 1" fill_in 'Body', with: "Reply Body 1" fill_in 'What is', with: "wrong answer" end @show_page.new_comment_submit_button(comment).click assert page.has_css?('div.error') end test "reply forms should be exclusive" do comment1 = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) comment2 = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment, post: visit proclaim.post_path( # Check that a form shows up to reply to comment1 @show_page.comment_reply_link(comment1).click assert page.has_css? "form#reply_to_#{}_new_comment" # Now, without closing that form manually, assert that it is closed # automatically when we try to reply to comment2 @show_page.comment_reply_link(comment2).click assert page.has_css? "form#reply_to_#{}_new_comment" assert page.has_no_css?("form#reply_to_#{}_new_comment"), "The form from comment1 should be removed when replying to comment2!" end test "should not have option to edit if not logged in" do comment = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) visit proclaim.post_path( assert page.has_no_css?("#comment_#{} .edit"), "A guest should not be given the option to edit a comment!" end test "edit root comment" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) sign_in user comment = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) visit proclaim.post_path( @show_page.comment_edit_link(comment).click assert page.has_no_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The comment author should have been completely replaced by the edit form!" assert page.has_no_css?("div.comment_body", text: comment.body), "The comment body should have been completely replaced by the edit form!" within("#edit_comment_#{}") do fill_in 'Author', with: "Edit Author" fill_in 'Body', with: "Edit Body" end @show_page.edit_comment_submit_button(comment).click assert page.has_css? "p.comment_author", text: "Edit Author" assert page.has_css? "div.comment_body", text: "Edit Body" assert page.has_no_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The old comment author should be gone!" assert page.has_no_css?("div.comment_body", text: comment.body), "The old comment body should be gone!" end test "edit parent comment" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) sign_in user parent = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) child = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment, post:, parent: parent) visit proclaim.post_path( @show_page.comment_edit_link(parent).click assert page.has_no_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The parent comment author should have been completely replaced by the edit form!" assert page.has_no_css?("div.comment_body", text: parent.body), "The parent comment body should have been completely replaced by the edit form!" assert page.has_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The child comment author should still be on the page!" assert page.has_css?("div.comment_body", text: child.body), "The child comment body should still be on the page!" within("#edit_comment_#{}") do fill_in 'Author', with: "Edit Author" fill_in 'Body', with: "Edit Body" end @show_page.edit_comment_submit_button(parent).click assert page.has_css?("p.comment_author", text: "Edit Author"), "The parent comment author should now be edited!" assert page.has_css?("div.comment_body", text: "Edit Body"), "The parent comment body should now be edited!" assert page.has_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The child comment author should still be on the page!" assert page.has_css?("div.comment_body", text: child.body), "The child comment body should still be on the page!" assert page.has_no_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The old parent comment author should be gone!" assert page.has_no_css?("div.comment_body", text: parent.body), "The old parent comment body should be gone!" end test "edit child comment" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) sign_in user parent = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) child = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment, post:, parent: parent) visit proclaim.post_path( @show_page.comment_edit_link(child).click assert page.has_no_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The child comment author should have been completely replaced by the edit form!" assert page.has_no_css?("div.comment_body", text: child.body), "The chid comment body should have been completely replaced by the edit form!" assert page.has_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The parent comment author should still be on the page!" assert page.has_css?("div.comment_body", text: parent.body), "The parent comment body should still be on the page!" within("#edit_comment_#{}") do fill_in 'Author', with: "Edit Author" fill_in 'Body', with: "Edit Body" end @show_page.edit_comment_submit_button(child).click assert page.has_css? "p.comment_author", text: 'Edit Author' assert page.has_css? "div.comment_body", text: 'Edit Body' assert page.has_css? "p.comment_author", text: assert page.has_css? "div.comment_body", text: parent.body assert page.has_no_css?("p.comment_author", text:, "The old child comment author should be gone!" assert page.has_no_css?("div.comment_body", text: child.body), "The old child comment body should be gone!" end test "should not have option to delete if not logged in" do comment = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) visit proclaim.post_path( assert page.has_no_css?("#comment_#{} .delete"), "A guest should not be given the option to delete a comment!" end test "delete root comment" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) sign_in user comment = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) visit proclaim.post_path( assert page.has_text? assert page.has_text? comment.body current_count = Proclaim::Comment.count @show_page.comment_delete_link(comment).click page.accept_alert assert page.has_no_text? assert page.has_no_text? comment.body assert(wait_until { Proclaim::Comment.count == current_count - 1 }, "Root comment should have been deleted!") end test "delete parent comment" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) sign_in user parent = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) child = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment, post:, parent: parent) visit proclaim.post_path( assert page.has_text? assert page.has_text? parent.body assert page.has_text? assert page.has_text? child.body current_count = Proclaim::Comment.count @show_page.comment_delete_link(parent).click page.accept_alert assert page.has_no_text?(, "Parent author should be gone!" assert page.has_no_text?(parent.body), "Parent body should be gone!" assert page.has_no_text?(, "Child author should be gone!" assert page.has_no_text?(child.body), "Child body should be gone!" assert(wait_until { Proclaim::Comment.count == current_count - 2 }, "Both parent and child should have been deleted!") end test "delete child comment" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) sign_in user parent = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment) child = FactoryGirl.create(:published_comment, post:, parent: parent) visit proclaim.post_path( assert page.has_text? assert page.has_text? child.body current_count = Proclaim::Comment.count @show_page.comment_delete_link(child).click page.accept_alert assert page.has_no_text?(, "Child author should be gone!" assert page.has_no_text?(child.body), "Child body should be gone!" assert page.has_text?(, "Parent author should not be gone!" assert page.has_text?(parent.body), "Parent body should not be gone!" assert(wait_until { Proclaim::Comment.count == current_count - 1 }, "Child comment should have been deleted!") end test "cancel button should remove errors" do post = FactoryGirl.create(:published_post) visit proclaim.post_path(post) within('#new_comment') do fill_in 'Author', with: "Comment Author" # Make a mistake-- leave out the body end # Errors should be on the page assert page.has_css?('div.error') # Now click cancel # Now errors should be cleared assert page.has_no_css?('div.error') end end