[](https://github.com/eonu/react-rails-api/blob/38f50a1d30f33cf7b818a5c939fe5d99c1a758a2/react-rails-api.gemspec#L20) [](https://rubygems.org/gems/react-rails-api) [](https://github.com/eonu/react-rails-api/blob/master/LICENSE) # React-Rails API All-in-one application generator enabling the integration of a React front-end and a Ruby-on-Rails API back-end with a CMS via ActiveAdmin.
Image courtesy of Heroku.
This is an easy-to-use generator to implement the modern web application stack described [here](https://blog.heroku.com/a-rock-solid-modern-web-stack) by Heroku designer Charlie Gleason. ## Requirements - [**Ruby**](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) `~> 2.5` - [**Rails**](https://rubyonrails.org/) `~> 5.2` - [**Node**](https://nodejs.org/en/) `^11`: *Recommend installing this with [NVM](https://github.com/creationix/nvm).* - [**Yarn**](https://yarnpkg.com/en/) `^1.13`: *Recommend installing Node separately from this, rather than as a dependency.* ## Installation ``` $ gem install react-rails-api ``` ## Usage ```bash $ react-rails Usage: react-rails new [PATH] Options: [--database], [--no-database] # Integrate ActiveRecord (and Postgres). # Default: true Initialise a React/Rails API application. ``` ### Creating an application ```bash $ react-rails new demo-app ``` If the `--database` flag is set to true (which is the default), a prompt will also ask if you'd like to integrate [ActiveAdmin](https://activeadmin.info/) into the application. If you would not like to integrate ActiveRecord (and a Postgres database), make sure to use the `--no-database` flag: ```bash $ react-rails new demo-app --no-database ``` ### Running an application There are two `rake` tasks that allow you to run development and production builds of an application (using [Foreman](https://github.com/ddollar/foreman)): - `start:development` - Starts a development build of the application (running `Procfile.dev`). - `start:production` - Starts a production build of the application (running `Procfile`). ## More information For more information about how to use this stack, please read the following blog posts by Charlie Gleason: - https://blog.heroku.com/a-rock-solid-modern-web-stack - https://medium.com/superhighfives/a-top-shelf-web-stack-rails-5-api-activeadmin-create-react-app-de5481b7ec0b