Package org.jetlang.core

Interface Summary
BatchExecutor Event executor.
Callback<T> Event callback.
Disposable Interface to represent an instance that requires explicit resource cleanup
DisposingExecutor An Executor that can dispose other components in unison with itself.
EventReader User: mrettig Date: Aug 30, 2009
Filter<T> Interface to represent a boolean filter for messages
RunnableExecutor Queues and executes events.
Scheduler Component that can schedule events to execute in the future.

Class Summary
BatchExecutorImpl Default implementation that simply executes all events.
EventBuffer User: mrettig Date: Aug 29, 2009
RunnableBlockingQueue Blocking queue supporting efficient put and sweep operations.
RunnableExecutorImpl Default implementation that queues and executes events.
SchedulerImpl Default implementation for scheduling events for execution on fibers.
SynchronousDisposingExecutor A synchronous execute typically used for testing.
SynchronousExecutor Executor that runs tasks on the current thread.

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