# frozen_string_literal: true module Dnsimple class Client module DomainsDelegationSignerRecords # Lists the delegation signer records for the domain. # # @see https://developer.dnsimple.com/v2/domains/dnssec/#ds-record-list # # @example List delegation signer records in the first page # client.domains.delegation_signer_records(1010, "example.com") # # @example List delegation signer records, provide a specific page # client.domains.email_forwards(1010, "example.com", page: 2) # # @example List delegation signer records, provide a sorting policy # client.domains.delegation_signer_records(1010, "example.com", sort: "from:asc") # # @param [Integer] account_id the account ID # @param [#to_s] domain_id The domain ID or domain name # @param [Hash] options the filtering and sorting options # @option options [Integer] :page current page (pagination) # @option options [Integer] :per_page number of entries to return (pagination) # @option options [String] :sort sorting policy # @return [Dnsimple::PaginatedResponse] # # @raise [Dnsimple::NotFoundError] # @raise [Dnsimple::RequestError] def delegation_signer_records(account_id, domain_id, options = {}) response = client.get(Client.versioned("/%s/domains/%s/ds_records" % [account_id, domain_id]), Options::ListOptions.new(options)) Dnsimple::PaginatedResponse.new(response, response["data"].map { |r| Struct::DelegationSignerRecord.new(r) }) end # Lists ALL the delegation signer records for the domain. # # This method is similar to {#delegation_signer_records}, but instead of returning the results of a specific page # it iterates all the pages and returns the entire collection. # # Please use this method carefully, as fetching the entire collection will increase the number of requests # you send to the API server and you may eventually risk to hit the throttle limit. # # @see https://developer.dnsimple.com/v2/domains/dnssec/#ds-record-list # @see #email_forwards # # @param [Integer] account_id the account ID # @param [#to_s] domain_id The domain ID or domain name # @param [Hash] options the filtering and sorting option # @option options [Integer] :page current page (pagination) # @option options [Integer] :per_page number of entries to return (pagination) # @option options [String] :sort sorting policy # @return [Dnsimple::CollectionResponse] # # @raise [Dnsimple::RequestError] def all_delegation_signer_records(account_id, domain_id, options = {}) paginate(:delegation_signer_records, account_id, domain_id, options) end # Creates a delegation signer record for the domain. # # @see https://developer.dnsimple.com/v2/domains/dnssec/#ds-record-create # @see http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-sec-alg-numbers/dns-sec-alg-numbers.xhtml # @see http://www.iana.org/assignments/ds-rr-types/ds-rr-types.xhtml # # @param [Integer] account_id the account ID # @param [#to_s] domain_id The domain ID or domain name # @param [Hash] attributes # @option attributes [Integer] :algorithm DNSSEC algorithm as number (required) # @option attributes [String] :digest The hexidecimal representation of the digest of the corresponding DNSKEY record (required if TLD requires DS data) # @option attributes [Integer] :digest_type DNSSEC digest type (required if TLD requires DS data) # @option attributes [String] :keytag A keytag that references the corresponding DNSKEY record (required if TLD requires DS data) # @option attributes [String] :public_key A public key that references the corresponding DNSKEY record (required if TLD requires KEY data) # @param [Hash] options # @return [Dnsimple::Response] # # @raise [Dnsimple::RequestError] def create_delegation_signer_record(account_id, domain_id, attributes, options = {}) Extra.validate_mandatory_attributes(attributes, [:algorithm]) response = client.post(Client.versioned("/%s/domains/%s/ds_records" % [account_id, domain_id]), attributes, options) Dnsimple::Response.new(response, Struct::DelegationSignerRecord.new(response["data"])) end # Gets a delegation signer record for the domain. # # @see https://developer.dnsimple.com/v2/domains/dnssec/#ds-record-get # # @param [Integer] account_id the account ID # @param [#to_s] domain_id The domain ID or domain name # @param [#to_s] ds_record_id The delegation signer record ID # @param [Hash] options # @return [Dnsimple::Response] # # @raise [Dnsimple::NotFoundError] # @raise [Dnsimple::RequestError] def delegation_signer_record(account_id, domain_id, ds_record_id, options = {}) response = client.get(Client.versioned("/%s/domains/%s/ds_records/%s" % [account_id, domain_id, ds_record_id]), options) Dnsimple::Response.new(response, Struct::DelegationSignerRecord.new(response["data"])) end # Deletes a delegation signer record for the domain. # # WARNING: this cannot be undone. # # @see https://developer.dnsimple.com/v2/domains/dnssec/#ds-record-delete # # @param [Integer] account_id the account ID # @param [#to_s] domain_id The domain ID or domain name # @param [#to_s] ds_record_id The delegation signer record ID # @param [Hash] options # @return [Dnsimple::Response] # # @raise [Dnsimple::NotFoundError] # @raise [Dnsimple::RequestError] def delete_delegation_signer_record(account_id, domain_id, ds_record_id, options = {}) response = client.delete(Client.versioned("/%s/domains/%s/ds_records/%s" % [account_id, domain_id, ds_record_id]), nil, options) Dnsimple::Response.new(response, nil) end end end end