require "pry" require "active_job" require "active_record" require "inst-jobs" require "sentry-inst_jobs" # require "logger" # This connection will do for database-independent bug reports. ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:") # ActiveRecord::Base.logger = ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :delayed_jobs do |table| table.integer :priority, default: 0, null: false # Allows some jobs to jump to the front of the queue table.integer :attempts, default: 0, null: false # Provides for retries, but still fail eventually. table.text :handler, null: false # YAML-encoded string of the object that will do work table.text :last_error # reason for last failure (See Note below) table.datetime :run_at # When to run. Could be for immediately, or sometime in the future. table.datetime :locked_at # Set when a client is working on this object table.datetime :failed_at # Set when all retries have failed (actually, by default, the record is deleted instead) table.string :locked_by # Who is working on this object (if locked) table.string :queue # The name of the queue this job is in table.timestamps null: true # inst-jobs specific columns table.string :tag table.string :strand table.integer :max_attempts table.datetime :expires_at table.string :singleton table.boolean :next_in_strand, default: true, null: false end end Sentry.init do |config| config.breadcrumbs_logger = [:sentry_logger] # replace it with your sentry dsn config.dsn = 'http://ae0ee6fcea6d4005aba998c8b1cd6eb1@sentry.docker/3' end class Foo def bar 1 / 0 end end enqueued_job = Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job.last begin enqueued_job.invoke_job rescue => e puts("inline job failed because of \"#{e.message}\"") end