# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require 'spec_helper' describe 'Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Response Kaminari' do before(:all) do class ModelClass include ::Kaminari::ConfigurationMethods def self.index_name; 'foo'; end def self.document_type; 'bar'; end end end after(:all) do remove_classes(ModelClass) end let(:search) do Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::SearchRequest.new(model, '*') end let(:response) do allow(model).to receive(:client).and_return(client) Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Response.new(model, search, response_document).tap do |resp| allow(resp).to receive(:client).and_return(client) end end let(:client) do double('client') end shared_examples_for 'a search request that can be paginated' do describe '#page' do it 'does not set an initial from and size on the search definition' do expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to be(nil) expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to be(nil) end context 'when page is called once' do let(:search_request) do { index: index_field, from: 25, size: 25, q: '*', type: type_field} end before do expect(client).to receive(:search).with(search_request).and_return(response_document) response.page(2).to_a end it 'advances the from/size in the search request' do expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to be(25) expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to be(25) end end context 'when page is called more than once' do let(:search_request_one) do { index: index_field, from: 25, size: 25, q: '*', type: type_field} end let(:search_request_two) do { index: index_field, from: 75, size: 25, q: '*', type: type_field} end before do expect(client).to receive(:search).with(search_request_one).and_return(response_document) response.page(2).to_a expect(client).to receive(:search).with(search_request_two).and_return(response_document) response.page(4).to_a end it 'advances the from/size in the search request' do expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to be(75) expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to be(25) end end context 'when limit is also set' do before do response.records response.results end context 'when page is called before limit' do before do response.page(3).limit(35) end it 'sets the correct values' do expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to eq(35) expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to eq(70) end it 'resets the instance variables' do expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@response)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@records)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@results)).to be(nil) end end context 'when limit is called before page' do before do response.limit(35).page(3) end it 'sets the correct values' do expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to eq(35) expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to eq(70) end it 'resets the instance variables' do expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@response)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@records)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@results)).to be(nil) end end end end describe '#limit_value' do context 'when there is no default set' do it 'uses the limit value from the Kaminari configuration' do expect(response.limit_value).to eq(Kaminari.config.default_per_page) end end context 'when there is a limit in the search definition' do let(:search) do Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::SearchRequest.new(model, '*', size: 10) end it 'gets the limit from the search definition' do expect(response.limit_value).to eq(10) end end context 'when there is a limit in the search body' do let(:search) do Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::SearchRequest.new(model, { query: { match_all: {} }, size: 999 }) end it 'does not use the limit' do expect(response.limit_value).to be(Kaminari.config.default_per_page) end end end describe '#offset_value' do context 'when there is no default set' do it 'uses an offset of 0' do expect(response.offset_value).to eq(0) end end context 'when there is an offset in the search definition' do let(:search) do Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::SearchRequest.new(model, '*', from: 50) end it 'gets the limit from the search definition' do expect(response.offset_value).to eq(50) end end context 'when there is an offset in the search body' do let(:search) do Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::SearchRequest.new(model, { query: { match_all: {} }, from: 333 }) end it 'does not use the offset' do expect(response.offset_value).to be(0) end end end describe '#limit' do context 'when a limit is set' do before do response.records response.results response.limit(35) end it 'sets the limit on the search defintiion' do expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to eq(35) end it 'resets the instance variables' do expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@response)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@records)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@results)).to be(nil) end context 'when the limit is provided as a string' do before do response.limit('35') end it 'coerces the string to an integer' do expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to eq(35) end end context 'when the limit is an invalid type' do before do response.limit('asdf') end it 'does not apply the setting' do expect(response.search.definition[:size]).to eq(35) end end end end describe '#offset' do context 'when an offset is set' do before do response.records response.results response.offset(15) end it 'sets the limit on the search defintiion' do expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to eq(15) end it 'resets the instance variables' do expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@response)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@records)).to be(nil) expect(response.instance_variable_get(:@results)).to be(nil) end context 'when the offset is provided as a string' do before do response.offset('15') end it 'coerces the string to an integer' do expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to eq(15) end end context 'when the offset is an invalid type' do before do response.offset('asdf') end it 'does not apply the setting' do expect(response.search.definition[:from]).to eq(0) end end end end describe '#total' do before do allow(response.results).to receive(:total).and_return(100) end it 'returns the total number of hits' do expect(response.total_count).to eq(100) end end context 'results' do before do allow(search).to receive(:execute!).and_return(response_document) end describe '#current_page' do it 'returns the current page' do expect(response.results.current_page).to eq(1) end context 'when a particular page is accessed' do it 'returns the correct current page' do expect(response.page(5).results.current_page).to eq(5) end end end describe '#prev_page' do it 'returns the previous page' do expect(response.page(1).results.prev_page).to be(nil) expect(response.page(2).results.prev_page).to be(1) expect(response.page(3).results.prev_page).to be(2) expect(response.page(4).results.prev_page).to be(3) end end describe '#next_page' do it 'returns the previous page' do expect(response.page(1).results.next_page).to be(2) expect(response.page(2).results.next_page).to be(3) expect(response.page(3).results.next_page).to be(4) expect(response.page(4).results.next_page).to be(nil) end end end context 'records' do before do allow(search).to receive(:execute!).and_return(response_document) end describe '#current_page' do it 'returns the current page' do expect(response.records.current_page).to eq(1) end context 'when a particular page is accessed' do it 'returns the correct current page' do expect(response.page(5).records.current_page).to eq(5) end end end describe '#prev_page' do it 'returns the previous page' do expect(response.page(1).records.prev_page).to be(nil) expect(response.page(2).records.prev_page).to be(1) expect(response.page(3).records.prev_page).to be(2) expect(response.page(4).records.prev_page).to be(3) end end describe '#next_page' do it 'returns the previous page' do expect(response.page(1).records.next_page).to be(2) expect(response.page(2).records.next_page).to be(3) expect(response.page(3).records.next_page).to be(4) expect(response.page(4).records.next_page).to be(nil) end end end end context 'when Elasticsearch version is < 7.0' do let(:response_document) do { 'took' => '5', 'timed_out' => false, '_shards' => {'one' => 'OK'}, 'hits' => { 'total' => 100, 'hits' => (1..100).to_a.map { |i| { _id: i } } } } end context 'when the model is a single one' do let(:model) do ModelClass end let(:type_field) do 'bar' end let(:index_field) do 'foo' end it_behaves_like 'a search request that can be paginated' end context 'when the model is a multimodel' do let(:model) do Elasticsearch::Model::Multimodel.new(ModelClass) end let(:type_field) do ['bar'] end let(:index_field) do ['foo'] end it_behaves_like 'a search request that can be paginated' end end context 'when Elasticsearch version is >= 7.0' do let(:response_document) do { 'took' => '5', 'timed_out' => false, '_shards' => {'one' => 'OK'}, 'hits' => { 'total' => { 'value' => 100, 'relation' => 'eq' }, 'hits' => (1..100).to_a.map { |i| { _id: i } } } } end context 'when the model is a single one' do let(:model) do ModelClass end let(:type_field) do 'bar' end let(:index_field) do 'foo' end it_behaves_like 'a search request that can be paginated' end context 'when the model is a multimodel' do let(:model) do Elasticsearch::Model::Multimodel.new(ModelClass) end let(:type_field) do ['bar'] end let(:index_field) do ['foo'] end it_behaves_like 'a search request that can be paginated' end end end