module Quandl module Operation class Collapse class Guess class << self def frequency(data) return :annual unless data && data[0] && data[0][0] t1 = # find the smallest point of difference between dates gap = find_average_gap(data) # ensure gap is not negative gap = ensure_positive_gap(gap) # determine the freq from the size of the smallest gap freq = frequency_from_gap(gap) Quandl::Logger.debug "#{}.perform (#{t1.elapsed.microseconds}ms)" if t1.elapsed_ms > 1 freq end def find_smallest_gap(data) # init gap = 100_000 pdate = nil # find the smallest gap data.each do |row| # if the gap is 1, we're done break if gap <= 1 # this row's date date = row[0] # only if pdate is present if pdate # calculate the gap diff = (pdate - date).to_i # replace the previous gap if it is smaller gap = diff if diff < gap end # previous row's date pdate = date end gap end def find_average_gap(data) # init gap = 100_000 pdate = nil row_count = data.count majority_count = (row_count * 0.55).to_i gaps = {} # find the smallest gap data.each do |row| # this row's date date = row[0] # only if pdate is present if pdate # calculate the gap diff = (pdate - date).to_i # increment the gap counter gaps[diff] ||= 0 gaps[diff] += 1 # if the diff count is greater than majority_count, we have a consensus return diff if gaps[diff] > majority_count end # previous row's date pdate = date end gaps.to_a.sort_by{|r| r[1] }.try(:last).try(:first) end def frequency_from_gap(gap) case when gap <= 1 then :daily when gap <= 10 then :weekly when gap <= 31 then :monthly when gap <= 93 then :quarterly else :annual end end def ensure_positive_gap(gap) gap = gap.to_i gap = gap * -1 if gap < 0 gap end end end end end end