require 'calabash-cucumber/launcher' require 'calabash-cucumber/uia' module Calabash module Cucumber module IOS7Operations include Calabash::Cucumber::UIA def ios7? launcher = @calabash_launcher || Calabash::Cucumber::Launcher.launcher_if_used ENV['OS']=='ios7' || (launcher && launcher.device.ios7?) end def touch_ios7(options) ui_query = options[:query] offset = options[:offset] if ui_query.nil? uia_tap_offset(offset) else el_to_touch = find_or_raise(ui_query) touch(el_to_touch, options) [el_to_touch] end end def swipe_ios7(options) ui_query = options[:query] offset = options[:offset] if ui_query.nil? uia_swipe_offset(offset, options) else el_to_swipe = find_or_raise(ui_query) offset = point_from(el_to_swipe, options) uia_swipe_offset(offset, options) [el_to_swipe] end end def pinch_ios7(in_or_out, options) ui_query = options[:query] offset = options[:offset] duration = options[:duration] || 0.5 if ui_query.nil? uia_pinch_offset(in_or_out, offset, {:duration => options[:duration]}) else el_to_pinch = find_or_raise(ui_query) offset = point_from(el_to_pinch, options) uia_pinch_offset(in_or_out, offset, duration) [el_to_pinch] end end def pan_ios7(from, to, options={}) from_result = find_or_raise from to_result = find_or_raise to uia_pan_offset(point_from(from_result, options), point_from(to_result, options), options) [to_result] end def rotate_ios7(dir) throw NotImplementedError end def find_or_raise(ui_query) results = query(ui_query) if results.empty? screenshot_and_raise "Unable to find element matching query #{ui_query}" else results.first end end end end end