- content_for :main do %h1.preferences_icon Your Preferences %ul.settings %li %b Dashboard 'Advanced' or 'Normal' mode: = bold_if link_to("Advanced", "/admin/preference?advanced=advanced"), pref("advanced_mode")=='advanced' | = bold_if link_to("Normal", "/admin/preference?advanced=normal"), pref("advanced_mode")=='normal' .field_help In advanced mode various additional options will be shown throughout the dashboard. %li %b Show 'Shortcuts' in right column: = bold_if link_to("Yes", "/admin/preference?links=true"), pref("show_links_box")=="true" | = bold_if link_to("No", "/admin/preference?links=false"), pref("show_links_box")=="false" .field_help Show or hide the list of shortcut links in the column on the right of the dashboard. These shortcut links can be edited below. %li %b Show 'Recent Pages' in right column: = bold_if link_to("Yes", "/admin/preference?recent=true"), pref("show_recent_pages_box")=="true" | = bold_if link_to("No", "/admin/preference?recent_pages=false"), pref("show_recent_pages_box")=="false" .field_help Show or hide the list of most recently edited pages in the column on the right of the dashboard. %li %b Show 'Todo' in right column: = bold_if link_to("Yes", "/admin/preference?todo=true"), pref("show_todo_box")=="true" | = bold_if link_to("No", "/admin/preference?todo=false"), pref("show_todo_box")=="false" .field_help Show or hide the list of todo items in the column on the right of the dashboard. %li %b Show 'Activity' in right column: = bold_if link_to("Yes", "/admin/preference?activity=true"), pref("show_activity_box")=='true' | = bold_if link_to("No", "/admin/preference?activity=false"), pref('show_activity_box')=='false' .field_help Show or hide the list of site activity in the column of the right of the dashboard. %li %b Show 'Status' in right column: = bold_if link_to("Yes", "/admin/preference?status=true"), pref("show_status_box")=='true' | = bold_if link_to("No", "/admin/preference?status=false"), pref('show_status_box')=='false' .field_help Show or hide the system status in the column of the right of the dashboard. %li %b EU Cookie acceptance: = link_to_function "Revoke", "revoke_cookie_acceptance(); alert('Done!');" .field_help If you have accepted the warning about cookies you can click here to revoke this acceptance, so you'll be shown the warning again. %li %b Browse Cateogry Tree: Click page name to: = bold_if link_to("Edit Page", "/admin/preference?page_click=edit"), pref("page_click")=="edit" | = bold_if link_to("View Page Info", "/admin/preference?page_click=info"), pref("page_click")=="info" .field_help What do you want to happen when you click on a page in the Browse Tree? %li.advanced %b Show Locked Pages in Category Tree: = bold_if link_to("Show", "/admin/preference?hide_locked=false"), pref("hide_locked")=="false" | = bold_if link_to("Hide", "/admin/preference?hide_locked=true"), pref("hide_locked")=="true" %h1.links_icon Shortcut Links %table.looser - if current_user.user_links.count == 0 No links - the default set will be used - else - current_user.user_links.each do |link| %tr %td %div(style="margin-bottom: 10px;") %a(href="#{link.url}")= link.label %td = icon_to "Delete", "/admin/preference?del_link=#{link.id}", false, :style=>"margin-left: 20px;" .cms_form = form_for @user_link, :url=>"/admin/preference/update", :method=>:put do |f| %label Label = f.text_field :label %label URL = f.text_field :url %label In New Window = f.check_box :in_new_window %br %br = kit_submit "Save"