--- title: Template File Handler inMenu: true --- h2. Information {describe: TemplateFileHandler} h2. Description The template file handler processes the templates for the page description files. Templates normally specify the layout of the website. For this website only one template was used for all page description files. However, you could assign each page description file its own template, if you want to! (but why would one do that? :-) You must have at least one template file in the root of the source directory which is the fallback template if no other template can be found for a page description file. The template files are organized hierarchically. So if during processing webgen does not find the default template file in the directory in which the page file is, it searches the parent directory for the template. If it isn't there either, it searches the parent's parent directory and so on. If webgen gets to the root of the source directory and could not find a template, it will complain and stop.