import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; let uuid = 0; class DSL { constructor(name = null, options) { this.explicitIndex = false; this.parent = name; this.enableLoadingSubstates = !!(options && options.enableLoadingSubstates); this.matches = []; this.options = options; } route(name, options = {}, callback) { let dummyErrorRoute = `/_unused_dummy_error_path_route_${name}/:error`; if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } assert(`'${name}' cannot be used as a route name.`, (() => { if (options.overrideNameAssertion === true) { return true; } return ['basic', 'application'].indexOf(name) === -1; })()); assert(`'${name}' is not a valid route name. It cannot contain a ':'. You may want to use the 'path' option instead.`, name.indexOf(':') === -1); if (this.enableLoadingSubstates) { createRoute(this, `${name}_loading`, { resetNamespace: options.resetNamespace, }); createRoute(this, `${name}_error`, { resetNamespace: options.resetNamespace, path: dummyErrorRoute, }); } if (callback) { let fullName = getFullName(this, name, options.resetNamespace); let dsl = new DSL(fullName, this.options); createRoute(dsl, 'loading'); createRoute(dsl, 'error', { path: dummyErrorRoute });; createRoute(this, name, options, dsl.generate()); } else { createRoute(this, name, options); } } push(url, name, callback, serialize) { let parts = name.split('.'); if (this.options.engineInfo) { let localFullName = name.slice(this.options.engineInfo.fullName.length + 1); let routeInfo = assign({ localFullName }, this.options.engineInfo); if (serialize) { routeInfo.serializeMethod = serialize; } this.options.addRouteForEngine(name, routeInfo); } else if (serialize) { throw new Error(`Defining a route serializer on route '${name}' outside an Engine is not allowed.`); } if (url === '' || url === '/' || parts[parts.length - 1] === 'index') { this.explicitIndex = true; } this.matches.push(url, name, callback); } generate() { let dslMatches = this.matches; if (!this.explicitIndex) { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); } return match => { for (let i = 0; i < dslMatches.length; i += 3) { match(dslMatches[i]).to(dslMatches[i + 1], dslMatches[i + 2]); } }; } mount(_name, options = {}) { let engineRouteMap = this.options.resolveRouteMap(_name); let name = _name; if ( { name =; } let fullName = getFullName(this, name, options.resetNamespace); let engineInfo = { name: _name, instanceId: uuid++, mountPoint: fullName, fullName, }; let path = options.path; if (typeof path !== 'string') { path = `/${name}`; } let callback; let dummyErrorRoute = `/_unused_dummy_error_path_route_${name}/:error`; if (engineRouteMap) { let shouldResetEngineInfo = false; let oldEngineInfo = this.options.engineInfo; if (oldEngineInfo) { shouldResetEngineInfo = true; this.options.engineInfo = engineInfo; } let optionsForChild = assign({ engineInfo }, this.options); let childDSL = new DSL(fullName, optionsForChild); createRoute(childDSL, 'loading'); createRoute(childDSL, 'error', { path: dummyErrorRoute });; callback = childDSL.generate(); if (shouldResetEngineInfo) { this.options.engineInfo = oldEngineInfo; } } let localFullName = 'application'; let routeInfo = assign({ localFullName }, engineInfo); if (this.enableLoadingSubstates) { // These values are important to register the loading routes under their // proper names for the Router and within the Engine's registry. let substateName = `${name}_loading`; let localFullName = `application_loading`; let routeInfo = assign({ localFullName }, engineInfo); createRoute(this, substateName, { resetNamespace: options.resetNamespace, }); this.options.addRouteForEngine(substateName, routeInfo); substateName = `${name}_error`; localFullName = `application_error`; routeInfo = assign({ localFullName }, engineInfo); createRoute(this, substateName, { resetNamespace: options.resetNamespace, path: dummyErrorRoute, }); this.options.addRouteForEngine(substateName, routeInfo); } this.options.addRouteForEngine(fullName, routeInfo); this.push(path, fullName, callback); } } export default DSL; function canNest(dsl) { return dsl.parent !== 'application'; } function getFullName(dsl, name, resetNamespace) { if (canNest(dsl) && resetNamespace !== true) { return `${dsl.parent}.${name}`; } else { return name; } } function createRoute(dsl, name, options = {}, callback) { let fullName = getFullName(dsl, name, options.resetNamespace); if (typeof options.path !== 'string') { options.path = `/${name}`; } dsl.push(options.path, fullName, callback, options.serialize); }