require 'spec_helper' #here in this same config/ dir describe "CsvPirate" do describe "#initialize" do before(:each) do @csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => false, :gibbet => "", :aft => ".csv", :swab => :none, :mop => :clean, :waggoner => 'data' }) end it "should return an instance of CsvPirate" do @csv_pirate.class.should == CsvPirate end it "should not export anything" do @csv_pirate.maroon.should == "" end end describe "#create" do before(:each) do @csv_pirate = CsvPirate.create({ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => false, :gibbet => "", :aft => ".csv", :swab => :none, :mop => :clean, :waggoner => 'data' }) end it "should return an instance of CsvPirate" do @csv_pirate.class.should == CsvPirate end it "should store export in maroon instance variable" do @csv_pirate.maroon[0..100].should == "Name,Distance,Spectral type,Name hash,Name next,Name upcase,Star vowels\nProxima Centauri,4.2 LY,M5.5V" end end describe "#hoist_mainstay" do before(:each) do @csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => false, :gibbet => "", :aft => ".csv", :swab => :none, :mop => :clean, :waggoner => 'data' }) end it "should return an instance of String" do @csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay.class.should == String end it "should return the export as a string" do @csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay[0..100].should == "Name,Distance,Spectral type,Name hash,Name next,Name upcase,Star vowels\nProxima Centauri,4.2 LY,M5.5V" end it "should store export in maroon instance variable" do @csv_pirate.maroon.should == "" @csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay @csv_pirate.maroon[0..100].should == "Name,Distance,Spectral type,Name hash,Name next,Name upcase,Star vowels\nProxima Centauri,4.2 LY,M5.5V" end end describe "#old_csv_dump" do before(:each) do ["1/1/1998","2/2/2002","1/2/2003","3/2/2001","2/1/2007"].map {|x| Date.parse(x)}.each do |date| @csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall","dumps"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => date, :swab => :none, :mop => :clean }) @csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay end end it "should find first (oldest) dump" do @new_csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall","dumps"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => false, :brigantine => :first, :swab => :none, :mop => :clean }) @new_csv_pirate.brigantine.should == "spec/csv/GlowingGasBall/dumps/GlowingGasBall.19980101.export.csv" end it "should find last (newest) dump" do @new_csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall","dumps"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => false, :brigantine => :last, :swab => :none, :mop => :clean }) @new_csv_pirate.brigantine.should == "spec/csv/GlowingGasBall/dumps/GlowingGasBall.20070201.export.csv" end end describe "#to_memory" do before(:each) do ["1/1/1998","2/2/2002","1/2/2003","3/2/2001","2/1/2007"].map {|x| Date.parse(x)}.each do |date| @csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall","dumps"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => date, :swab => :none, :mop => :clean }) @csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay end end it "should return an array of 10 grubs built from data in CSV" do @new_csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall","dumps"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => false, :brigantine => :last, :swab => :none, :mop => :clean }) @new_csv_pirate.brigantine.should == "spec/csv/GlowingGasBall/dumps/GlowingGasBall.20070201.export.csv" @new_csv_pirate.to_memory.class.should == Array @new_csv_pirate.to_memory.length.should == 10 end end describe ":blackjack option" do before(:each) do @csv_pirate ={ :grub => GlowingGasBall, :spyglasses => [:get_stars], :chart => ["spec","csv","GlowingGasBall"], :booty => [:name, :distance, :spectral_type, {:name => :hash}, {:name => :next}, {:name => :upcase}, :star_vowels ], :chronometer => false, :gibbet => "", :aft => ".csv", :swab => :none, :mop => :clean, :waggoner => 'data' }) end it "should be {humanize => '_'} by default" do @csv_pirate.blackjack.should == {:humanize => '_'} @csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay @csv_pirate.maroon[0..100].should == "Name,Distance,Spectral type,Name hash,Name next,Name upcase,Star vowels\nProxima Centauri,4.2 LY,M5.5V" end it "should work as {:join => '_'}" do @csv_pirate.blackjack = {:join => '_'} @csv_pirate.blackjack.should == {:join => '_'} @csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay @csv_pirate.maroon[0..100].should == "name,distance,spectral_type,name_hash,name_next,name_upcase,star_vowels\nProxima Centauri,4.2 LY,M5.5V" end end end