if ENV["RBBT_NO_LOCKFILE_REFRESH"] == "true" Lockfile.refresh = false Lockfile.max_age = 60 * 60 * 5 else Lockfile.refresh = 3 Lockfile.max_age = 10 Lockfile.suspend = 3 end module Misc LOCK_MUTEX = Mutex.new def self.lock(file, unlock = true, options = {}) return yield if file.nil? FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(File.expand_path(file)) unless File.exists? File.dirname(File.expand_path(file)) res = nil lock_path = File.expand_path(file + '.lock') lockfile = Lockfile.new(lock_path, options) hostname = Misc.hostname LOCK_MUTEX.synchronize do Misc.insist 2, 0.1 do Misc.insist 3, 0.1 do begin if File.exists? lock_path info = Open.open(lock_path){|f| YAML.load(f) } raise "No info" unless info if hostname == info["host"] and not Misc.pid_exists?(info["pid"]) Log.high("Removing lockfile: #{lock_path}. This pid #{Process.pid}. Content: #{info.inspect}") FileUtils.rm lock_path end end rescue Exception FileUtils.rm lock_path if File.exists? lock_path lockfile = Lockfile.new(lock_path, options) unless File.exists? lock_path raise $! end end end lockfile.lock end begin res = yield lockfile rescue Lockfile::StolenLockError unlock = false rescue KeepLocked unlock = false res = $!.payload rescue Exception lockfile.unlock if lockfile.locked? raise $! ensure if unlock begin lockfile.unlock #if lockfile.locked? rescue Exception end end end res end LOCK_REPO_SERIALIZER=Marshal def self.lock_in_repo(repo, key, *args) return yield file, *args if repo.nil? or key.nil? lock_key = "lock-" << key begin if repo[lock_key] and Misc.hostname == (info = LOCK_REPO_SERIALIZER.load(repo[lock_key]))["host"] and info["pid"] and not Misc.pid_exists?(info["pid"]) Log.info("Removing lockfile: #{lock_key}. This pid #{Process.pid}. Content: #{info.inspect}") repo.out lock_key end rescue Log.warn("Error checking lockfile #{lock_key}: #{$!.message}. Removing. Content: #{begin repo[lock_key] rescue "Could not open file" end}") repo.out lock_key if repo.include? lock_key end while repo[lock_key] sleep 1 end repo[lock_key] = LOCK_REPO_SERIALIZER.dump({:hostname => Misc.hostname, :pid => Process.pid}) res = yield lock_key, *args repo.delete lock_key res end end