require 'generators/somatics' require 'rails/generators/named_base' module Somatics module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base extend TemplatePath class_option :namespace, :banner => "NAME", :type => :string, :required => false, :default => "admin", :desc => "namespace to generate the controller for" def public_directory directory "public", "public", :recursive => false end def images directory "public/images" end def stylesheets directory "public/stylesheets" end def javascripts directory "public/javascripts" end def themes directory "public/themes" end def base template 'controller_admin.rb', File.join('app/controllers/admin', 'admin_controller.rb') template 'helper_admin.rb', File.join('app/helpers/admin', 'admin_helper.rb') end def home template 'controller_home.rb', File.join('app/controllers/admin', 'home_controller.rb') template 'view_index.html.erb', File.join('app/views/admin', 'home', 'index.html.erb') end def layouts template 'layout_admin.html.erb', File.join('app/views/layouts', "admin.html.erb") template 'partial_menu.html.erb', File.join('app/views/admin/shared', "_menu.html.erb"), :skip => true end def mime_type gsub_file File.join('config','initializers', 'mime_types.rb'), "Mime::Type.register 'application/', :xls", "" append_file File.join('config','initializers', 'mime_types.rb'), "Mime::Type.register 'application/', :xls" end def locales directory "config/locales" end def default_admin rakefile "somatics.rake" do <<-RUBY namespace :somatics do desc "Create Default Admin User" task :create_user => :environment do User.find_or_create_by_name(:name => 'Admin', :password => 'somatics', :password_confirmation => 'somatics', :email => '') end end RUBY end end def add_settings append_file File.join('db','seeds.rb') do <<-RUBY unless Setting.find_by_name('theme') s = = 'theme' s.category = 'General' s.value = 'default' s.field_type = 'string'! end RUBY end end def add_route route_config = "" route_config << " namespace :#{options[:namespace]} do \n" if options[:namespace].present? route_config << " root :to => 'home#index'\n" route_config << " match 'home' => 'home#index'\n" route_config << " end\n" if options[:namespace].present? route route_config end def libs directory "lib" end def paper_trail template 'partial_versions.html.erb', File.join('app/views/admin/shared', "_versions.html.erb") template 'initializer_paper_trail.rb', File.join('config/initializers', "paper_trail.rb") end end end end