#include <ruby.h>
#include <ruby/util.h>
#include <ruby/io.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>


// 2.0
#include <ruby/thread.h>
#define WITHOUT_GVL(fn,a,ubf,b) \

// 1.9
typedef VALUE (*my_blocking_fn_t)(void*);
#define WITHOUT_GVL(fn,a,ubf,b) \


// This is the buffer passed to msg{rcv,snd,ctl}(2)
typedef struct {
  long mtype;
  char mtext[];

// Used for rb_thread_wait_for to signal time between EINTR tries
struct timeval polling_interval;

// C struct linked to all Ruby objects
typedef struct {
  key_t             key;
  int               id;
  size_t            buffer_size;
  sysvmq_msgbuf_t*  msgbuf;

static void
sysvmq_mark(void *ptr)
  // noop, no Ruby objects in the internal struct currently

static void
sysvmq_free(void *ptr)
  sysvmq_t* sysv = ptr;

static size_t
sysvmq_memsize(const void* ptr)
  const sysvmq_t* sysv = ptr;
  return sizeof(sysvmq_t) + sizeof(char) * sysv->buffer_size;

static const rb_data_type_t
sysvmq_type = {

static VALUE
sysvmq_alloc(VALUE klass)
  sysvmq_t* sysv;
  VALUE obj = TypedData_Make_Struct(klass, sysvmq_t, &sysvmq_type, sysv);

  sysv->key         = 0;
  sysv->id          = -1;
  sysv->buffer_size = 0;
  sysv->msgbuf      = NULL;

  return obj;

// int msgctl(int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf);
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/msgctl.2.html
// Controls the queue with IPC_SET, IPC_INFO and IPC_RMID via msgctl(2). When no
// argument is passed, it'll return the information about the queue from
// TODO: IPC_SET is currently not supported.
static VALUE
sysvmq_stats(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  struct msqid_ds info;
  VALUE info_hash;
  VALUE cmd;
  sysvmq_t* sysv;

  // Optional argument handling
  if (argc > 1) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (0..1)");

  // Default to IPC_STAT
  cmd = argc == 1 ? argv[0] : INT2FIX(IPC_STAT);

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sysvmq_t, &sysvmq_type, sysv);

  // TODO: Does FIX2INT actually perform this check already?
  Check_Type(cmd, T_FIXNUM);

  while (msgctl(sysv->id, FIX2INT(cmd), &info) < 0) {
    if (errno == EINTR) {
    rb_sys_fail("Failed executing msgctl(2) command.");

  // Map values from struct to a hash
  // TODO: Add all the fields
  // TODO: They are probably not ints..
  info_hash = rb_hash_new();
  rb_hash_aset(info_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("count")),         INT2FIX(info.msg_qnum));
  rb_hash_aset(info_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("maximum_size")), INT2FIX(info.msg_qbytes));

  // TODO: Can probably make a better checker here for whether the struct
  // actually has the member.
  // TODO: BSD support?
#ifdef __linux__
  rb_hash_aset(info_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("size")), INT2FIX(info.__msg_cbytes));
#elif __APPLE__
  rb_hash_aset(info_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("size")), INT2FIX(info.msg_cbytes));

  return info_hash;

// Proxies a call with IPC_RMID to `sysvmq_stats` to remove the queue.
static VALUE
sysvmq_destroy(VALUE self)
  VALUE argv[1];
  argv[0] = INT2FIX(IPC_RMID);
  return sysvmq_stats(1, argv, self);

// This is used for passing values between the `maybe_blocking` function and the
// Ruby function. There's definitely a better way.
typedef struct {
  ssize_t    error;
  ssize_t    length;

  size_t     size;
  int        flags;
  long       type;
  sysvmq_t*  sysv;

  int        retval;

// Blocking call to msgsnd(2) (see sysvmq_send). This is to be called without
// the GVL, and must therefore not use any Ruby functions.
static void*
sysvmq_maybe_blocking_receive(void *args)
  sysvmq_blocking_call_t* arguments = (sysvmq_blocking_call_t*) args;
  arguments->error = msgrcv(arguments->sysv->id, arguments->sysv->msgbuf, arguments->sysv->buffer_size, arguments->type, arguments->flags);

  if (arguments->error >= 0)
    arguments->length = arguments->error;

  return NULL;

// ssize_t msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg);
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/msgsnd.2.html
// Receive a message from the message queue.
sysvmq_receive(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  VALUE type  = INT2FIX(0);
  VALUE flags = INT2FIX(0);
  sysvmq_t* sysv;
  sysvmq_blocking_call_t blocking;

  if (argc > 2) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (0..2)");

  if (argc >= 1) type  = argv[0];
  if (argc == 2) flags = argv[1];

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sysvmq_t, &sysvmq_type, sysv);

  Check_Type(type, T_FIXNUM);
  Check_Type(flags, T_FIXNUM);

  // Attach blocking call parameters to the struct passed to the blocking
  // function wrapper.
  blocking.flags  = FIX2INT(flags);
  blocking.type   = FIX2LONG(type);
  blocking.sysv   = sysv;
  // Initialize error so it's never a garbage value, if
  // `sysvmq_maybe_blocking_receive` was interrupted at a non-nice time.
  blocking.error  = UNINITIALIZED_ERROR;
  blocking.length = UNINITIALIZED_ERROR;

  if ((blocking.flags & IPC_NOWAIT) == IPC_NOWAIT) {
    while(sysvmq_maybe_blocking_receive(&blocking) == NULL && blocking.error < 0) {
      if (errno == EINTR) {

      rb_sys_fail("Failed recieving message from queue");
  } else {
    // msgrcv(2) can block sending a message, if IPC_NOWAIT is not passed.
    // We unlock the GVL waiting for the call so other threads (e.g. signal
    // handling) can continue to work. Sets `length` on `blocking` with the size
    // of the message returned.
    while (WITHOUT_GVL(sysvmq_maybe_blocking_receive, &blocking, RUBY_UBF_IO, NULL) == NULL
            && blocking.error < 0) {
      if (errno == EINTR || blocking.error == UNINITIALIZED_ERROR) {

      rb_sys_fail("Failed receiving message from queue");

  // Guard it..
  assert(blocking.length != UNINITIALIZED_ERROR);

  // Reencode with default external encoding
  return rb_str_new(sysv->msgbuf->mtext, blocking.length);

// Blocking call to msgsnd(2) (see sysvmq_send). This is to be called without
// the GVL, and must therefore not use any Ruby functions.
static void*
sysvmq_maybe_blocking_send(void *data)
  sysvmq_blocking_call_t* arguments = (sysvmq_blocking_call_t*) data;
  arguments->error = msgsnd(arguments->sysv->id, arguments->sysv->msgbuf, arguments->size, arguments->flags);

  return NULL;

// int msgsnd(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg);
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/msgsnd.2.html
// Sends a message to the message queue.
sysvmq_send(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  VALUE message;
  VALUE priority = INT2FIX(1);
  VALUE flags = INT2FIX(0);
  sysvmq_blocking_call_t blocking;
  sysvmq_t* sysv;

  if (argc > 3 || argc == 0) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (1..3)");

  message  = argv[0];
  if (argc >= 2) priority = argv[1];
  if (argc == 3) flags    = argv[2];

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sysvmq_t, &sysvmq_type, sysv);

  Check_Type(flags,    T_FIXNUM);
  Check_Type(priority, T_FIXNUM);
  // TODO: Call to_s on message if it responds to

  // Attach blocking call parameters to the struct passed to the blocking
  // function wrapper.
  blocking.flags = FIX2INT(flags);
  blocking.size  = RSTRING_LEN(message);
  blocking.sysv  = sysv;
  // See msgrcv(2) wrapper
  blocking.error  = UNINITIALIZED_ERROR;
  blocking.length = UNINITIALIZED_ERROR;

  // The buffer can be obtained from `sysvmq_maybe_blocking_send`, instead of
  // passing it, set it directly on the instance struct.
  sysv->msgbuf->mtype = FIX2INT(priority);

  if (blocking.size > sysv->buffer_size) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Size of message is bigger than buffer size.");

  // TODO: Can a string copy be avoided?
  memcpy(sysv->msgbuf->mtext, RSTRING_PTR(message), blocking.size);

  // Non-blocking call, skip the expensive GVL release/acquire
  if ((blocking.flags & IPC_NOWAIT) == IPC_NOWAIT) {
    while(sysvmq_maybe_blocking_send(&blocking) == NULL && blocking.error < 0) {
      if (errno == EINTR) {

      rb_sys_fail("Failed sending message to queue");
  } else {
    // msgsnd(2) can block waiting for a message, if IPC_NOWAIT is not passed.
    // We unlock the GVL waiting for the call so other threads (e.g. signal
    // handling) can continue to work.
    while (WITHOUT_GVL(sysvmq_maybe_blocking_send, &blocking, RUBY_UBF_IO, NULL) == NULL
            && blocking.error < 0) {
      if (errno == EINTR || blocking.error == UNINITIALIZED_ERROR) {

      rb_sys_fail("Failed sending message to queue");

  return message;

// int msgget(key_t key, int msgflg);
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/msgget.2.html
// Instead of calling `msgget` method directly to get the `msgid` (the return
// value of `msgget`) from Rubyland and pass it around, it's stored internally
// in a struct only directly accessible from C-land. It's passed to all the
// other calls that require a `msgid`, for convienence and to share the buffer.
sysvmq_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE buffer_size, VALUE flags)
  sysvmq_t* sysv;
  size_t msgbuf_size;

  // TODO: Also support string keys, so you can pass '0xDEADC0DE'
  Check_Type(key,   T_FIXNUM);
  Check_Type(flags, T_FIXNUM);
  Check_Type(buffer_size, T_FIXNUM);

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sysvmq_t, &sysvmq_type, sysv);

  // (key_t) is a 32-bit integer (int). It's defined as `int` (at least on OS X
  // and Linux). However, `FIX2INT()` (from Ruby) will complain if the key is
  // something in the range 2^31-2^32, because of the sign bit. We use UINT to
  // trick Ruby, so it won't complain.
  sysv->key = (key_t) FIX2UINT(key);

  while ((sysv->id = msgget(sysv->key, FIX2INT(flags))) < 0) {
    if (errno == EINTR) {
      rb_thread_wait_for(polling_interval); // TODO: Really necessary here?
    rb_sys_fail("Failed opening the message queue.");

  // Allocate the msgbuf buffer once for the instance, to not allocate a buffer
  // for each message sent. This makes SysVMQ not thread-safe (requiring a
  // buffer for each thread), but is a reasonable trade-off for now for the
  // performance.
  sysv->buffer_size = (size_t) FIX2LONG(buffer_size + 1);
  msgbuf_size = sysv->buffer_size * sizeof(char) + sizeof(long);

  // Note that this is a zero-length array, so we size the struct to size of the
  // header (long, the mtype) and then the rest of the space for message buffer.
  sysv->msgbuf = (sysvmq_msgbuf_t*) xmalloc(msgbuf_size);

  return self;

void Init_sysvmq()
  VALUE sysvmq = rb_define_class("SysVMQ", rb_cObject);

  // Waiting between blocking calls that have been interrupted outside the GVL,
  // this is to allow time for signal handlers to process signals.
  polling_interval.tv_sec  = 0;
  polling_interval.tv_usec = 5;

  // Define platform specific constants from headers
  rb_define_const(sysvmq, "IPC_CREAT",  INT2NUM(IPC_CREAT));
  rb_define_const(sysvmq, "IPC_EXCL",   INT2NUM(IPC_EXCL));
  rb_define_const(sysvmq, "IPC_NOWAIT", INT2NUM(IPC_NOWAIT));
  rb_define_const(sysvmq, "IPC_RMID",   INT2NUM(IPC_RMID));
  rb_define_const(sysvmq, "IPC_SET",    INT2NUM(IPC_SET));
  rb_define_const(sysvmq, "IPC_STAT",   INT2NUM(IPC_STAT));
#ifdef __linux__
  rb_define_const(sysvmq, "IPC_INFO",   INT2NUM(IPC_INFO));

  // Define the SysVMQ class and its methods
  rb_define_alloc_func(sysvmq, sysvmq_alloc);
  rb_define_method(sysvmq, "initialize", sysvmq_initialize, 3);
  rb_define_method(sysvmq, "send",       sysvmq_send,    -1);
  rb_define_method(sysvmq, "receive",    sysvmq_receive, -1);
  rb_define_method(sysvmq, "stats",      sysvmq_stats,   -1);
  rb_define_method(sysvmq, "destroy",    sysvmq_destroy, 0);