== 0.9.0 2009-07-21 * Use Dismax parser for keyword search * Field and document boosting * Specify which fields to search in keyword search * Allow indexing of multiple values in text fields * Access keyword relevance score in Hit objects * Allow stored fields, retrieve stored values from Hit objects * Support more values in shorthand restrictions * Disjunctions and conjunctions * Random ordering * Control all options for field facets * Time range facets * Get referenced objects from facets on foreign keys * Facet by class * Batch indexing * New Date field type * Direct access to data accessors * Executable to configure production Solr instances * Replace solr-ruby with RSolr * Remove accidental ActiveSupport dependency == 0.8.9 2009-06-23 * Fix OrderedHash bug in older versions of ActiveSupport == 0.8.8 2009-06-15 * Escape type names to support namespaced classes * Fix bug with anonymous modules in Ruby 1.9 == 0.8.7 2009-06-10 * Add --pid-dir option for sunspot-solr executable == 0.8.5 2009-06-09 * Added dependencies for sunspot-solr executable to gem dependencies * Search for adapters using class ancestors rather than superclasses == 0.8.3 2009-06-03 * Index objects passed as a collection in a single HTTP request == 0.8.2 2009-05-27 * Allow specification of Solr home when using sunspot-solr == 0.8.1 2009-05-26 * Add Search#execute! to public API == 0.8.0 2009-05-22 * Access query API directly; instantiate search without running it * Dynamic fields * Search blocks can be evaluated in calling context == 0.7.3 2009-05-06 * Better exception handling when class doesn't have adapter/setup == 0.7.2 2009-04-29 * Dirty sessions == 0.7.1 2009-04-29 * Removed extlib dependency from gemspec == 0.7.0 2009-04-28 * Less magic in the DSL * Restrict by empty values * Negative scoping using without() method * Exclusion by object identity using without(instance) * Support for faceting * Explicit commits * Boolean field type * Attribute field flexibility * Virtual field blocks can be evaluated in calling context * Order available by multiple fields * New adapter API * Got rid of builder API * Full documentation == 0.0.2 2009-02-14 * Run sunspot's built-in Solr instance using sunspot-solr executable * Search hash interpretation delegated to Builder object == 0.0.1 2008-12-11 * Initial release * Define indexing for any class using DSL * Search indexed classes using DSL