# encoding: utf-8 =begin Based on simple_test.rb https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/82995f47408530c80c3376f4e07a1f649d96ba22/sample-code/examples/ruby/simple_test.rb https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/c58eeb66f2d6fa3b9a89d188a2e657cca7cb300f/LICENSE =end # Load appium.txt (toml format) into system ENV # the basedir of this file + appium.txt is what's used # @param opts [Hash] file: '/path/to/appium.txt', verbose: true # @return [Array<String>] the require files. nil if require doesn't exist def load_appium_txt opts raise 'opts must be a hash' unless opts.kind_of? Hash opts.each_pair { |k,v| opts[k.to_s.downcase.strip.intern] = v } opts = {} if opts.nil? file = opts.fetch :file, nil raise 'Must pass file' unless file verbose = opts.fetch :verbose, false # Check for env vars in .txt parent_dir = File.dirname file toml = File.expand_path File.join parent_dir, 'appium.txt' puts "appium.txt path: #{toml}" if verbose # @private def update data, *args args.each do |name| var = data[name] ENV[name] = var if var end end toml_exists = File.exists? toml puts "Exists? #{toml_exists}" if verbose data = nil if toml_exists require 'toml' require 'ap' puts "Loading #{toml}" if verbose # bash requires A="OK" # toml requires A = "OK" # # A="OK" => A = "OK" data = File.read toml data = data.split("\n").map do |line| line.sub /([^\s])\=/, "\\1 = " end.join "\n" data = TOML::Parser.new(data).parsed ap data unless data.empty? if verbose update data, 'APP_PATH', 'APP_APK', 'APP_PACKAGE', 'APP_ACTIVITY', 'APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY', 'DEVICE' # Ensure app path is absolute ENV['APP_PATH'] = File.expand_path ENV['APP_PATH'] if ENV['APP_PATH'] && !ENV['APP_PATH'].empty? if ! %w(ios android selendroid).include? ENV['DEVICE'] raise 'DEVICE must be ios, android, or selendroid' end end # return list of require files as an array # nil if require doesn't exist if data && data['require'] r = data['require'] r = r.kind_of?(Array) ? r : [ r ] # ensure files are absolute r.map! do |file| file = file.include?(File::Separator) ? file : File.join(parent_dir, file) file = File.expand_path file File.exists?(file) ? file : nil end r.compact # remove nils end end # Fix uninitialized constant Minitest (NameError) module Minitest # Fix superclass mismatch for class Spec class Runnable; end class Test < Runnable; end class Spec < Test; end end module Appium add_to_path __FILE__ require 'selenium-webdriver' # common require 'common/helper' require 'common/patch' require 'common/version' require 'common/element/button' require 'common/element/text' require 'common/element/window' # ios require 'ios/helper' require 'ios/patch' require 'ios/element/alert' require 'ios/element/generic' require 'ios/element/textfield' # android require 'android/dynamic' require 'android/helper' require 'android/patch' require 'android/element/alert' require 'android/element/generic' require 'android/element/textfield' class Driver @@loaded = false attr_reader :default_wait, :app_path, :app_name, :device, :app_package, :app_activity, :app_wait_activity, :sauce_username, :sauce_access_key, :port, :debug # Creates a new driver. # :device is :android, :ios, or :selendroid # # ```ruby # # Options include: # :app_path, :app_name, :app_package, :app_activity, # :app_wait_activity, :sauce_username, :sauce_access_key, # :port, :os, :debug # # require 'rubygems' # require 'appium_lib' # # # Start iOS driver # app = { device: :ios, app_path: '/path/to/MyiOS.app'} # Appium::Driver.new(app).start_driver # # # Start Android driver # apk = { device: :android # app_path: '/path/to/the.apk', # app_package: 'com.example.pkg', # app_activity: 'act.Start', # app_wait_activity: 'act.Start' # } # # Appium::Driver.new(apk).start_driver # ``` # # @param opts [Object] A hash containing various options. # @return [Driver] def initialize opts={} # quit last driver $driver.driver_quit if $driver opts = {} if opts.nil? # convert to downcased symbols opts.each_pair { |k,v| opts[k.to_s.downcase.strip.intern] = v } @default_wait = opts.fetch :wait, 30 # Path to the .apk, .app or .app.zip. # The path can be local or remote for Sauce. @app_path = opts.fetch :app_path, ENV['APP_PATH'] raise 'APP_PATH must be set.' if @app_path.nil? # The name to use for the test run on Sauce. @app_name = opts.fetch :app_name, ENV['APP_NAME'] # Android app package @app_package = opts.fetch :app_package, ENV['APP_PACKAGE'] # Android app starting activity. @app_activity = opts.fetch :app_activity, ENV['APP_ACTIVITY'] # Android app waiting activity @app_wait_activity = opts.fetch :app_wait_activity, ENV['APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY'] # Sauce Username @sauce_username = opts.fetch :sauce_username, ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'] # Sauce Key @sauce_access_key = opts.fetch :sauce_access_key, ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'] @port = opts.fetch :port, ENV['PORT'] || 4723 # :ios, :android, :selendroid @device = opts.fetch :device, ENV['DEVICE'] || :ios @device = @device.intern # device must be a symbol # load common methods extend Appium::Common if @device == :android raise 'APP_ACTIVITY must be set.' if @app_activity.nil? # load Android specific methods extend Appium::Android else # load iOS specific methods extend Appium::Ios end # apply os specific patches patch_webdriver_element # enable debug patch # !!'constant' == true @debug = opts.fetch :debug, !!defined?(Pry) puts "Debug is: #{@debug}" if @debug ap opts unless opts.empty? puts "Device is: #{@device}" patch_webdriver_bridge end # Save global reference to last created Appium driver for top level methods. $driver = self # Promote exactly once the first time the driver is created. # Subsequent drivers do not trigger promotion. unless @@loaded @@loaded = true # Promote Appium driver methods to Object instance methods. $driver.public_methods(false).each do | m | # not MiniTest::Spec ::Minitest::Spec.class_eval do define_method m do | *args, &block | begin # puts "[Object.class_eval] Calling super for '#{m}'" # prefer existing method. # super will invoke method missing on driver super(*args, &block) # minitest also defines a name method, # so rescue argument error # and call the name method on $driver rescue NoMethodError, ArgumentError # puts "[Object.class_eval] '#{m}' not on super" $driver.send m, *args, &block if $driver.respond_to?(m) end end end end end self # return newly created driver end # def initialize # Returns the status payload # # ```ruby # {"status"=>0, # "value"=> # {"build"=> # {"version"=>"0.8.2", # "revision"=>"f2a2bc3782e4b0370d97a097d7e04913cf008995"}}, # "sessionId"=>"8f4b34a7-a9a9-4ac5-b125-36258143446a"} # ``` # # Discover the Appium rev running on the server. # # `status["value"]["build"]["revision"]` # `f2a2bc3782e4b0370d97a097d7e04913cf008995` # # @return [JSON] def status driver.status.payload end # Returns the server's version string # @return [String] def server_version status['value']['build']['version'] end # @private # WebDriver capabilities. Must be valid for Sauce to work. # https://github.com/jlipps/appium/blob/master/app/android.js def android_capabilities { browserName: 'Android', platform: 'LINUX', version: '4.2', device: @device == :android ? 'Android' : 'selendroid', name: @app_name || 'Ruby Console Android Appium', :'app-package' => @app_package, :'app-activity' => @app_activity, :'app-wait-activity' => @app_wait_activity || @app_activity } end # @private # WebDriver capabilities. Must be valid for Sauce to work. def ios_capabilities { browserName: 'iOS 6.0', platform: 'Mac 10.8', version: '6.0', device: 'iPhone Simulator', name: @app_name || 'Ruby Console iOS Appium' } end # @private def capabilities caps = @device == :ios ? ios_capabilities : android_capabilities caps[:app] = absolute_app_path unless @app_path.nil? || @app_path.empty? caps end # Converts environment variable APP_PATH to an absolute path. # @return [String] APP_PATH as an absolute path def absolute_app_path raise 'APP_PATH not set!' if @app_path.nil? || @app_path.empty? # Sauce storage API. http://saucelabs.com/docs/rest#storage return @app_path if @app_path.start_with? 'sauce-storage:' return @app_path if @app_path.match(/^http/) # public URL for Sauce if @app_path.match(/^\//) # absolute file path raise "App doesn't exist. #{@app_path}" unless File.exist? @app_path return @app_path end file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), @app_path) raise "App doesn't exist #{file}" unless File.exist? file file end # Get the server url for sauce or local based on env vars. # @return [String] the server url def server_url if !@sauce_username.nil? && !@sauce_access_key.nil? "http://#{@sauce_username}:#{@sauce_access_key}@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub" else "{@port}/wd/hub" end end # Restarts the driver # @return [Driver] the driver def restart driver_quit start_driver end # Returns the driver # @return [Driver] the driver def driver @driver end # Takes a png screenshot and saves to the target path. # # Example: screenshot '/tmp/hi.png' # # @param png_save_path [String] the full path to save the png # @return [void] def screenshot png_save_path @driver.save_screenshot png_save_path end # Quits the driver # @return [void] def driver_quit # rescue NoSuchDriverError begin; @driver.quit unless @driver.nil?; rescue; end end # Creates a new global driver and quits the old one if it exists. # # @return [Selenium::WebDriver] the new global driver def start_driver @client = @client || Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.new @client.timeout = 999999 begin @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, http_client: @client, desired_capabilities: capabilities, url: server_url # Load touch methods. Required for Selendroid. @driver.extend Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasTouchScreen rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise 'ERROR: Unable to connect to Appium. Is the server running?' end # Set timeout to a large number so that Appium doesn't quit # when no commands are entered after 60 seconds. # broken on selendroid: https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/513 mobile :setCommandTimeout, timeout: 9999 unless @device == :selendroid # Set implicit wait by default unless we're using Pry. @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = @default_wait unless defined? Pry @driver end # Set implicit wait to zero. def no_wait @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 0 end # Set implicit wait to timeout, defaults to 30. # @param timeout [Integer] the timeout in seconds # @return [void] def set_wait timeout=@default_wait @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = timeout end # Returns the default client side wait. # This value is independent of what the server is using # @return [Integer] def default_wait @default_wait end # Returns existence of element. # # Example: # # exists { button('sign in') } ? puts('true') : puts('false') # # @param pre_check [Integer] the amount in seconds to set the # wait to before checking existance # @param post_check [Integer] the amount in seconds to set the # wait to after checking existance # @param search_block [Block] the block to call # @return [Boolean] def exists pre_check=0, post_check=@default_wait, &search_block set_wait pre_check # set wait to zero # the element exists unless an error is raised. exists = true begin search_block.call # search for element rescue exists = false # error means it's not there end # restore wait set_wait post_check if post_check != pre_check exists end # The same as @driver.execute_script # @param script [String] the script to execute # @param args [*args] the args to pass to the script # @return [Object] def execute_script script, *args @driver.execute_script script, *args end # Helper method for mobile gestures # # https://github.com/appium/appium/wiki/Automating-mobile-gestures # # driver.execute_script 'mobile: swipe', endX: 100, endY: 100, duration: 0.01 # # becomes # # mobile :swipe, endX: 100, endY: 100, duration: 0.01 # @param method [String, Symbol] the method to execute # @param args [*args] the args to pass to the method # @return [Object] def mobile method, *args raise 'Method must not be nil' if method.nil? raise 'Method must have .to_s' unless method.respond_to? :to_s @driver.execute_script "mobile: #{method.to_s}", *args end # Calls @driver.find_elements # # @param args [*args] the args to use # @return [Array<Element>] Array is empty when no elements are found. def find_elements *args @driver.find_elements *args end # Calls @driver.find_elements # # @param args [*args] the args to use # @return [Element] def find_element *args @driver.find_element *args end # Quit the driver and Pry. # quit and exit are reserved by Pry. # @return [void] def x driver_quit exit # exit pry end end # end class Driver end # end module Appium # Paging in Pry is annoying :q required to exit. # With pager disabled, the output is similar to IRB # Only set if Pry is defined. Pry.config.pager = false if defined?(Pry)