Feature: Support for concurency In order to run the tests quickly As a chemistry kit harness developer I want to run them in parallel Background: Given I run `bundle exec ckit new concurrency-test` And I cd to "concurrency-test" And a file named "beakers/first_beaker.rb" with: """ describe "Cheese", :depth => 'shallow' do it "loads an external web page" do @driver.get "http://www.google.com" @driver.title.should include("Google") end it "loads an external web page 2" do @driver.get "http://www.google.com" @driver.title.should include("Google") end end """ And a file named "beakers/second_beaker.rb" with: """ describe "Cheese 2", :depth => 'shallow' do it "loads an external web page" do @driver.get "http://www.google.com" @driver.title.should include("Google") end end """ And I overwrite config.yaml with: """ concurrency: 4 selenium_connect: host: 'saucelabs' browser: 'firefox' sauce_username: 'testing_arrgyle' sauce_api_key: 'ab7a6e17-16df-42d2-9ef6-c8d2539cc38a' description: 'concurrency check' """ Scenario: I can run the tests in parallel When I run `bundle exec ckit brew` Then the stdout should contain "4 processes for 2 beakers" And the stdout should contain "3 examples, 0 failures" And the file "evidence/results_junit.xml" should not exist And there should be "2" unique results files in the "evidence" directory Scenario: I can run a specific beaker in parallel When I run `bundle exec ckit brew --beakers=beakers/first_beaker.rb` Then the stdout should contain "4 processes for 1 beakers" And the stdout should contain "2 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: I can run specific beakers by tag in parallel Given a file named "beakers/tagged_beaker_1.rb" with: """ describe "Cheese 3", :item => 'test' do it "loads an external web page" do @driver.get "http://www.google.com" @driver.title.should include("Google") end end """ And a file named "beakers/tagged_beaker_2.rb" with: """ describe "Cheese 4", :item => 'test' do it "loads an external web page" do @driver.get "http://www.google.com" @driver.title.should include("Google") end end """ When I run `bundle exec ckit brew --tag item:test` And the stdout should contain "2 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: I can all beakers in parallel Given a file named "beakers/tagged_beaker_1.rb" with: """ describe "Cheese 3", :item => 'test' do it "loads an external web page" do @driver.get "http://www.google.com" @driver.title.should include("Google") end end """ And a file named "beakers/tagged_beaker_2.rb" with: """ describe "Cheese 4", :item => 'test' do it "loads an external web page" do @driver.get "http://www.google.com" @driver.title.should include("Google") end end """ When I run `bundle exec ckit brew --all` Then the stdout should not contain "All examples were filtered out" And the stdout should not contain "0 examples, 0 failures" And there should be "4" unique results files in the "evidence" directory And there should be "1" "report" log files in "evidence/cheese/cheese_loads_an_external_web_page"