import { mergeConfigs } from '../../common/index.mjs'; import { normaliseDataset } from '../../common/normalise-dataset.mjs'; import { ElementError } from '../../errors/index.mjs'; import { GOVUKFrontendComponent } from '../../govuk-frontend-component.mjs'; import { I18n } from '../../i18n.mjs'; /** * Exit this page component * * @preserve */ class ExitThisPage extends GOVUKFrontendComponent { /** * @param {Element | null} $module - HTML element that wraps the Exit This Page button * @param {ExitThisPageConfig} [config] - Exit This Page config */ constructor($module, config = {}) { super(); this.$module = void 0; this.config = void 0; this.i18n = void 0; this.$button = void 0; this.$skiplinkButton = null; this.$updateSpan = null; this.$indicatorContainer = null; this.$overlay = null; this.keypressCounter = 0; this.lastKeyWasModified = false; this.timeoutTime = 5000; this.keypressTimeoutId = null; this.timeoutMessageId = null; if (!($module instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new ElementError({ componentName: 'Exit this page', element: $module, identifier: 'Root element (`$module`)' }); } const $button = $module.querySelector('.govuk-exit-this-page__button'); if (!($button instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) { throw new ElementError({ componentName: 'Exit this page', element: $button, expectedType: 'HTMLAnchorElement', identifier: 'Button (`.govuk-exit-this-page__button`)' }); } this.config = mergeConfigs(ExitThisPage.defaults, config, normaliseDataset(ExitThisPage, $module.dataset)); this.i18n = new I18n(this.config.i18n); this.$module = $module; this.$button = $button; const $skiplinkButton = document.querySelector('.govuk-js-exit-this-page-skiplink'); if ($skiplinkButton instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) { this.$skiplinkButton = $skiplinkButton; } this.buildIndicator(); this.initUpdateSpan(); this.initButtonClickHandler(); if (!('govukFrontendExitThisPageKeypress' in document.body.dataset)) { document.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeypress.bind(this), true); document.body.dataset.govukFrontendExitThisPageKeypress = 'true'; } window.addEventListener('pageshow', this.resetPage.bind(this)); } initUpdateSpan() { this.$updateSpan = document.createElement('span'); this.$updateSpan.setAttribute('role', 'status'); this.$updateSpan.className = 'govuk-visually-hidden'; this.$module.appendChild(this.$updateSpan); } initButtonClickHandler() { this.$button.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick.bind(this)); if (this.$skiplinkButton) { this.$skiplinkButton.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick.bind(this)); } } buildIndicator() { this.$indicatorContainer = document.createElement('div'); this.$indicatorContainer.className = 'govuk-exit-this-page__indicator'; this.$indicatorContainer.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const $indicator = document.createElement('div'); $indicator.className = 'govuk-exit-this-page__indicator-light'; this.$indicatorContainer.appendChild($indicator); } this.$button.appendChild(this.$indicatorContainer); } updateIndicator() { if (!this.$indicatorContainer) { return; } this.$indicatorContainer.classList.toggle('govuk-exit-this-page__indicator--visible', this.keypressCounter > 0); const $indicators = this.$indicatorContainer.querySelectorAll('.govuk-exit-this-page__indicator-light'); $indicators.forEach(($indicator, index) => { $indicator.classList.toggle('govuk-exit-this-page__indicator-light--on', index < this.keypressCounter); }); } exitPage() { if (!this.$updateSpan) { return; } this.$updateSpan.textContent = ''; document.body.classList.add('govuk-exit-this-page-hide-content'); this.$overlay = document.createElement('div'); this.$overlay.className = 'govuk-exit-this-page-overlay'; this.$overlay.setAttribute('role', 'alert'); document.body.appendChild(this.$overlay); this.$overlay.textContent = this.i18n.t('activated'); window.location.href = this.$button.href; } handleClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.exitPage(); } handleKeypress(event) { if (!this.$updateSpan) { return; } if (event.key === 'Shift' && !this.lastKeyWasModified) { this.keypressCounter += 1; this.updateIndicator(); if (this.timeoutMessageId) { window.clearTimeout(this.timeoutMessageId); this.timeoutMessageId = null; } if (this.keypressCounter >= 3) { this.keypressCounter = 0; if (this.keypressTimeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this.keypressTimeoutId); this.keypressTimeoutId = null; } this.exitPage(); } else { if (this.keypressCounter === 1) { this.$updateSpan.textContent = this.i18n.t('pressTwoMoreTimes'); } else { this.$updateSpan.textContent = this.i18n.t('pressOneMoreTime'); } } this.setKeypressTimer(); } else if (this.keypressTimeoutId) { this.resetKeypressTimer(); } this.lastKeyWasModified = event.shiftKey; } setKeypressTimer() { if (this.keypressTimeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this.keypressTimeoutId); } this.keypressTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(this.resetKeypressTimer.bind(this), this.timeoutTime); } resetKeypressTimer() { if (!this.$updateSpan) { return; } if (this.keypressTimeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this.keypressTimeoutId); this.keypressTimeoutId = null; } const $updateSpan = this.$updateSpan; this.keypressCounter = 0; $updateSpan.textContent = this.i18n.t('timedOut'); this.timeoutMessageId = window.setTimeout(() => { $updateSpan.textContent = ''; }, this.timeoutTime); this.updateIndicator(); } resetPage() { document.body.classList.remove('govuk-exit-this-page-hide-content'); if (this.$overlay) { this.$overlay.remove(); this.$overlay = null; } if (this.$updateSpan) { this.$updateSpan.setAttribute('role', 'status'); this.$updateSpan.textContent = ''; } this.updateIndicator(); if (this.keypressTimeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this.keypressTimeoutId); } if (this.timeoutMessageId) { window.clearTimeout(this.timeoutMessageId); } } } /** * Exit this Page config * * @see {@link ExitThisPage.defaults} * @typedef {object} ExitThisPageConfig * @property {ExitThisPageTranslations} [i18n=ExitThisPage.defaults.i18n] - Exit this page translations */ /** * Exit this Page translations * * @see {@link ExitThisPage.defaults.i18n} * @typedef {object} ExitThisPageTranslations * * Messages used by the component programatically inserted text, including * overlay text and screen reader announcements. * @property {string} [activated] - Screen reader announcement for when EtP * keypress functionality has been successfully activated. * @property {string} [timedOut] - Screen reader announcement for when the EtP * keypress functionality has timed out. * @property {string} [pressTwoMoreTimes] - Screen reader announcement informing * the user they must press the activation key two more times. * @property {string} [pressOneMoreTime] - Screen reader announcement informing * the user they must press the activation key one more time. */ /** * @typedef {import('../../common/index.mjs').Schema} Schema */ ExitThisPage.moduleName = 'govuk-exit-this-page'; ExitThisPage.defaults = Object.freeze({ i18n: { activated: 'Loading.', timedOut: 'Exit this page expired.', pressTwoMoreTimes: 'Shift, press 2 more times to exit.', pressOneMoreTime: 'Shift, press 1 more time to exit.' } }); ExitThisPage.schema = Object.freeze({ properties: { i18n: { type: 'object' } } }); export { ExitThisPage }; //#