module BulutfonSDK module REST class BaseRequest HTTP_HEADERS = { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8', 'User-Agent' => "bulutfon_sdk/#{BulutfonSDK::VERSION}" " (#{RUBY_ENGINE}/#{RUBY_PLATFORM}" " #{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL})" } def initialize(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}! {|arg| !arg.nil?} @config = options if args.count > 1 @email = args[0] || nil @password = args[1] || nil @auth_type = 'credentials' else @token = args[0] || nil @auth_type = 'token' end raise ArgumentError, 'Auth token or user credentials are required' if (@token.nil? && (@email.nil? || @password.nil?)) set_up_connection end protected ## # Prepare URI object for file path def prepare_uri(path, params = {}) uri = uri_parse(params, path) uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) uri end ## # Prepare http request def prepare_request(method, path, params = {}) uri = uri_parse(params, path) uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) if ['get', 'delete'].include?(method) method_class = Net::HTTP.const_get method.to_s.capitalize request =, HTTP_HEADERS) request.form_data = params if ['post', 'put'].include?(method) connect_and_send(request) end ## # URI parse for params def uri_parse(params, path) request_path = "#{}/#{path}" uri = URI.parse(request_path) encrypt_token = params.delete(:encrypt_token) id = params.delete(:id) if @auth_type == 'credentials' params[:email] = @email params[:password] = @password else if encrypt_token && id.present? params[:access_token] = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@token.to_s + id.to_s) else params[:access_token] = @token end end uri end ## # Prepare http request for file saving def save_file(method, path, save_path, params = {}) uri = prepare_uri(path, params) method_class = Net::HTTP.const_get method.to_s.capitalize request =, HTTP_HEADERS) response = connect_and_send(request, is_file: true ) begin file =, 'w') file.write(response) rescue => error raise error ensure file.close unless file.nil? end { file: file, save_path: save_path } end ## # Set up and cache a Net::HTTP object to use when making requests. def set_up_connection # :doc: uri = URI.parse( @http =, uri.port, p_user = @config.proxy_user, p_pass = @config.proxy_pass) @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE @http.use_ssl = @config.use_ssl if @config.ssl_verify_peer @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER @http.ca_file = @config.ssl_ca_file else @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end @http.open_timeout = @config.timeout @http.read_timeout = @config.timeout end ## # Send an HTTP request using the cached @http object and # return the JSON response body parsed into a hash. Also save the raw # Net::HTTP::Request and Net::HTTP::Response objects as # @last_request and @last_response to allow for # inspection later. def connect_and_send(request, is_file = false ) # :doc: @last_request = request retries_left = @config.retry_limit begin response = @http.request request @last_response = response if response.kind_of? Net::HTTPServerError raise BulutfonSDK::REST::ServerError end rescue raise if request.class == Net::HTTP::Post if retries_left > 0 then retries_left -= 1; retry else raise end end if response.body and !response.body.empty? if is_file object = response.body else object = MultiJson.load response.body end elsif response.kind_of? Net::HTTPBadRequest object = { message: 'Bad request', code: 400 } end if response.kind_of? Net::HTTPClientError raise object['error'], object['code'] end object end end end end