# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module Webgen::ContentProcessor # Processes embedded Ruby statements with the +erubis+ library. class Erubis include Deprecated # Process the Ruby statements embedded in the content of +context+. def call(context) require 'erubis' # including Erubis because of problem with resolving Erubis::XmlHelper et al self.class.class_eval "include ::Erubis" website = deprecate('website', 'context.website', context.website) node = deprecate('node', 'context.node', context.content_node) ref_node = deprecate('ref_node', 'context.ref_node', context.ref_node) dest_node = deprecate('dest_node', 'context.dest_node', context.dest_node) options = context.website.config['contentprocessor.erubis.options'] if context[:block] use_pi = context[:block].options['erubis_use_pi'] context[:block].options.select {|k,v| k =~ /^erubis_/}. each {|k,v| options[k.sub(/^erubis_/, '').to_sym] = v } end erubis = if (!use_pi.nil? && use_pi) || (use_pi.nil? && context.website.config['contentprocessor.erubis.use_pi']) ::Erubis::PI::Eruby.new(context.content, options) else ::Erubis::Eruby.new(context.content, options) end erubis.filename = context.ref_node.alcn context.content = erubis.result(binding) context rescue LoadError raise Webgen::LoadError.new('erubis', self.class.name, context.dest_node.alcn, 'erubis') rescue Exception => e line = (e.is_a?(::SyntaxError) ? e.message : e.backtrace[0]).scan(/:(\d+)/).first.first.to_i rescue nil raise Webgen::RenderError.new(e, self.class.name, context.dest_node.alcn, context.ref_node.alcn, line) end end end