require 'spec_helper' include MeterCat describe MeterCat::Meter do before( :each ) do Kernel.stub( :sleep ) @meter = :name => 'test', :created_on => '2013-09-04', :value => 727 ) end it 'has valid test data' do setup_meters Meter.count.should > 0 end describe 'constants' do it 'defines a default expiration time' do Meter::DEFAULT_EXPIRATION.should be( 3600 ) end it 'defines a default number of retry attempts' do Meter::DEFAULT_RETRY_ATTEMPTS.should be( 5 ) end it 'defines a default delay between retries' do Meter::DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY.should be( 1 ) end end it 'validates the presence of name' do @meter.should be_valid = nil @meter.should be_invalid @meter.errors[ :name ].should_not be_empty end ############################################################################# # Meter#add describe '#add' do it 'creates a new record' do @meter.add.should be_true test = Meter.find_by_name_and_created_on(, @meter.created_on ) test.should be_present test.value.should eql( @meter.value ) end it 'increments an existing record' do be_true @meter.add.should be_true test = Meter.find_by_name_and_created_on(, @meter.created_on ) test.should be_present test.value.should eql( @meter.value * 2 ) end it 'returns the result of the save' do Meter.should_receive( :find_by_name_and_created_on ).twice.and_return( @meter ) [ true, false ].each do |boolean| @meter.should_receive( :save ).and_return( boolean ) @meter.add.should eql( boolean ) end end it 'does not catch ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError exceptions' do @meter.lock_version = 1 be_true Meter.should_receive( :find_by_name_and_created_on ).and_return( @meter ) @meter.lock_version = 0 expect { @meter.add }.to raise_error( ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError ) end it 'does not catch ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique exceptions' do be_true Meter.should_receive( :find_by_name_and_created_on ).and_return( nil ) expect { @meter.add }.to raise_error( ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique ) end end ############################################################################# # Meter#add_with_retry describe '#add_with_retry' do before( :each ) do @retry_attempts = MeterCat.config.retry_attempts end it 'calls #add' do @meter.should_receive( :add ).once.and_return( true ) @meter.add_with_retry.should be_true end it 'returns true if it succeeds' do @meter.add_with_retry.should be_true end it 'catches ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError exceptions' do @meter.should_receive( :add ).exactly( @retry_attempts ).times.and_raise( nil, nil ) ) @meter.add_with_retry.should be_false end it 'catches ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique exceptions' do @meter.should_receive( :add ).exactly( @retry_attempts ).times.and_raise( nil, nil ) ) @meter.add_with_retry.should be_false end it 'retries up to Meter::MAX_ADD_ATTEMPTS times' do @meter.should_receive( :add ).exactly( @retry_attempts ).times.and_return( false ) @meter.add_with_retry.should be_false end it 'sleeps on each retry' do Kernel.should_receive( :sleep ).exactly( @retry_attempts ).times @meter.should_receive( :add ).exactly( @retry_attempts ).times.and_return( false ) @meter.add_with_retry.should be_false end it 'returns false if it fails' do @meter.should_receive( :add ).exactly( @retry_attempts ).times.and_return( false ) @meter.add_with_retry.should be_false end it 'succeeds if a retry works' do @meter.should_receive( :add ).twice.and_return( false, true ) @meter.add_with_retry.should be_true end end ############################################################################# # Meter#expired? describe '#expired?' do before( :each ) do @expiration = MeterCat.config.expiration @now = Time.should_receive( :now ).and_return( @now ) end it 'returns false if age is less than expiration' do @meter.created_at = @now + @expiration @meter.expired?.should be_false end it 'returns true if age is older than expiration' do @meter.created_at = @now - @expiration * 2 @meter.expired?.should be_true end end ############################################################################# # Meter::names describe '::names' do it 'returns all distinct meter names from the db' do expected = Meter.uniq.pluck( :name ) { |name| name.to_sym } Meter.names.should eql( expected ) end end ############################################################################# # Meter::random describe '::random' do before( :each ) do @args = { :name => 'test', :min => '1', :max => '10', :days => '365' } @name = @args[ :name ] @min = @args[ :min ].to_i @max = @args[ :max ].to_i @days = @args[ :days ] end it 'creates meters within the given name and date range' do Meter.delete_all Meter.random( @args ) Meter.count.should eql( @days.to_i + 1 ) Meter.all.each do |meter| meter.value.should >= @min meter.value.should <= @max end end it 'fails silently if the meter already exists' do Meter.random( @args ) Meter.random( @args ) end end ############################################################################# # Meter::set describe '::set' do it 'creates a new record' do Meter.set(, @meter.value, @meter.created_on).should be_true test = Meter.find_by_name_and_created_on(, @meter.created_on ) test.should be_present test.value.should eql( @meter.value ) end it 'updates an existing record' do be_true Meter.set(, @meter.value - 1, @meter.created_on).should be_true test = Meter.find_by_name_and_created_on(, @meter.created_on ) test.should be_present test.value.should eql( @meter.value - 1 ) end it 'returns the result of the save' do Meter.should_receive( :find_by_name_and_created_on ).twice.and_return( @meter ) [ true, false ].each do |boolean| @meter.should_receive( :save ).and_return( boolean ) Meter.set(, @meter.value - 1, @meter.created_on).should eql( boolean ) end end end ############################################################################# # Meter::to_h describe '::to_h' do before( :each ) do setup_meters @to_h = Meter.to_h( @range, @names ) end it 'finds all meters in the given range' do Meter.where( @conditions ) do |expected| @to_h[ ][ expected.created_on ].should be_present end end it 'returns a hash of name to date to value' do Meter.where( @conditions ) do |expected| @to_h[ ][ expected.created_on ].should eql( expected.value ) end end it 'filters by name' do @to_h.should have_key( ) @to_h.should_not have_key( ) end it 'injects dependencies into the names array' do MeterCat.config.calculator.should_receive( :dependencies ).with( @names ) @to_h = Meter.to_h( @range, @names ) end it 'adds calculated values to the results' do MeterCat.config.calculator.should_receive( :calculate ).with( kind_of( Hash ), @range, @names ) @to_h = Meter.to_h( @range, @names ) end it 'tolerates a nil names array' do @to_h = Meter.to_h( @range, @names ) end it 'works with large batches of data' do days = 2000 today = Meter.random( :name => :test, :min => 0, :max => 100, :days => days ) @to_h = Meter.to_h(( today - days ) .. today ) @range end end ############################################################################# # Meter::to_csv describe '::to_csv' do before( :each ) do setup_meters @to_csv = Meter.to_csv( @range, @names ) @csv = CSV.parse( @to_csv ) end it 'generates a CSV file' do @to_csv.should eql_file( 'spec/data/meters.csv' ) end it 'includes a header row' do expected = [ nil ] + Meter.to_h( @range, @names ).keys.sort!.map { |name| name.to_s } @csv[ 0 ].should eql( expected ) end it 'includes a row for each meter' do @csv.size.should eql( Meter.where( @conditions ).count + 1 ) end end end