module FixedModel class Base include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods attribute_method_suffix '?' class << self delegate :find, :first, :first!, :last, :second, :second!, :third, :third!, :fourth, :fourth!, :fifth, :fifth!, :forty_two, :forty_two!, :count, to: :all end def initialize(row={}) @row = row define_attribute_readers end def persisted? true end def new_record? false end def attributes @row.dup.freeze end def self.inherited(subclass) subclass.define_find_by_attributes subclass.define_find_by_attributes! define_attribute_methods(subclass.attribute_names) end def attribute?(attr) send(attr.to_sym).present? end def self.attribute_names names = [] data.each do |row| names.concat(row.keys) end end def self.all { |row| new(row) } end def self.each(&block) all.each(&block) end def attribute_names end def read_attribute(attribute) @row[attribute] end def ==(other) other.instance_of?(self.class) && other.attributes == attributes end private # Seems to be called when denmark.language is not defined and called. # Look in rails source for explanation... def attribute(attribute) nil end def define_attribute_readers attribute_names.each do |attribute_name| define_singleton_method attribute_name do read_attribute(attribute_name) end end end def self.singleton_class class << self self end end def self.define_find_by_attribute(attribute) singleton_class.send :define_method, "find_by_#{attribute}" do |arg| row = data.find { |i| i[attribute] == arg } # or sym? row ? : nil end end def self.define_find_by_attribute!(attribute) singleton_class.send :define_method, "find_by_#{attribute}!" do |arg| row = data.find { |i| i[attribute] == arg } # or sym? if row else raise FixedModel::RecordNotFound end end end def self.define_find_by_attributes attribute_names.each do |attribute| define_find_by_attribute(attribute) end end def self.define_find_by_attributes! attribute_names.each do |attribute| define_find_by_attribute!(attribute) end end def @data ||= end end end