module Fog module AWS class EMR class Real require 'rackspace-fog/aws/parsers/emr/add_job_flow_steps' # adds new steps to a running job flow. # # ==== Parameters # * JobFlowId <~String> - A string that uniquely identifies the job flow # * Steps <~Array> - A list of steps to be executed by the job flow # * 'ActionOnFailure'<~String> - TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW | CANCEL_AND_WAIT | CONTINUE Specifies the action to take if the job flow step fails # * 'HadoopJarStep'<~Array> - Specifies the JAR file used for the job flow step # * 'Args'<~String list> - A list of command line arguments passed to the JAR file's main function when executed. # * 'Jar'<~String> - A path to a JAR file run during the step. # * 'MainClass'<~String> - The name of the main class in the specified Java file. If not specified, the JAR file should specify a Main-Class in its manifest file # * 'Properties'<~Array> - A list of Java properties that are set when the step runs. You can use these properties to pass key value pairs to your main function # * 'Key'<~String> - The unique identifier of a key value pair # * 'Value'<~String> - The value part of the identified key # * 'Name'<~String> - The name of the job flow step # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: def add_job_flow_steps(job_flow_id, options={}) if steps = options.delete('Steps') options.merge!(Fog::AWS.serialize_keys('Steps', steps)) end request({ 'Action' => 'AddJobFlowSteps', 'JobFlowId' => job_flow_id, :parser =>, }.merge(options)) end end class Mock def add_job_flow_steps(db_name, options={}) Fog::Mock.not_implemented end end end end end