module RCAP module CAP_1_0 # A Circle object is valid if # * it has a valid lattitude and longitude # * it has a radius with a value greater than zero class Circle < Point include Validation # @return [Numeric] Expresed in kilometers attr_accessor( :radius ) validates_presence_of( :radius ) validates_numericality_of( :radius , greater_than_or_equal: 0 ) XML_ELEMENT_NAME = 'circle' XPATH = 'cap:circle' # @param [Hash] attributes # @option attributes [Numeric] :lattitude # @option attributes [Numeric] :longitude # @option attributes [Numeric] :radius def initialize( attributes = {} ) super( attributes ) @radius = attributes[ :radius ] end # Returns a string representation of the circle of the form # lattitude,longitude radius # # @return [String] def to_s "#{ @lattitude },#{ @longitude } #{ @radius }" end # @return [String] def inspect "(#{ self.to_s })" end # @return [REXML::Element] def to_xml_element xml_element = XML_ELEMENT_NAME ) xml_element.add_text( self.to_s ) xml_element end # @return [String] def to_xml self.to_xml_element.to_s end # Parses a circle string of the form # lattitude,longitude radius # # @param [String] circle_string # @return [Array(Float,Float,Float)] def self.parse_circle_string( circle_string ) coordinates, radius = circle_string.split( ' ' ) lattitude, longitude = coordinates.split( ',' ) [ lattitude, longitude, radius ].map{ |e| e.to_f } end # @param [REXML::Element] circle_xml_element # @return [Circle] def self.from_xml_element( circle_xml_element ) lattitude, longitude, radius = self.parse_circle_string( circle_xml_element.text ) circle = :lattitude => lattitude, :longitude => longitude, :radius => radius ) end # Two circles are equivalent if their lattitude, longitude and radius are equal. # # @param [Circle] other # @return [true,false] def ==( other ) [ @lattitude, @longitude, @radius ] == [ other.lattitude, other.longitude, other.radius ] end # @param [Array(Numeric, Numeric, Numeric)] circle_yaml_data lattitude, longitude, radius # @return [Circle] def self.from_yaml_data( circle_yaml_data ) lattitude, longitude, radius = circle_yaml_data :lattitude => lattitude, :longitude => longitude, :radius => radius ) end RADIUS_KEY = 'radius' LATTITUDE_KEY = 'lattitude' LONGITUDE_KEY = 'longitude' # @return [Hash] def to_h RCAP.attribute_values_to_hash( [ RADIUS_KEY, @radius ], [ LATTITUDE_KEY, @lattitude ], [ LONGITUDE_KEY, @longitude ]) end # @param [Hash] # @return [Circle] def self.from_h( circle_hash ) :radius => circle_hash[ RADIUS_KEY ], :lattitude => circle_hash[ LATTITUDE_KEY ], :longitude => circle_hash[ LONGITUDE_KEY ]) end end end end