require "stringio" require 'zip' require 'tempfile' require 'escape' require 'rbconfig' require_relative 'utils' require_relative 'dependencies' require_relative 'environment' def package_name(app) unless File.exist?(app) raise "Application '#{app}' does not exist" end package_line = aapt_dump(app, "package").first raise "'package' not found in aapt output" unless package_line m = package_line.match(/name='([^']+)'/) raise "Unexpected output from aapt: #{package_line}" unless m m[1] end def main_activity(app) unless File.exist?(app) raise "Application '#{app}' does not exist" end begin log("Trying to find launchable activity") launchable_activity_line = aapt_dump(app, "launchable-activity").first raise "'launchable-activity' not found in aapt output" unless launchable_activity_line m = launchable_activity_line.match(/name='([^']+)'/) raise "Unexpected output from aapt: #{launchable_activity_line}" unless m log("Found launchable activity '#{m[1]}'") m[1] rescue => e log("Could not find launchable activity, trying to parse raw AndroidManifest. #{e.message}") manifest_data = `"#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.aapt_path}" dump xmltree "#{app}" AndroidManifest.xml` regex = /^\s*A:[\s*]android:name\(\w+\)\=\"android.intent.category.LAUNCHER\"/ lines = manifest_data.lines.collect(&:strip) indicator_line = nil lines.each_with_index do |line, index| match = line.match(regex) unless match.nil? raise 'More than one launchable activity in AndroidManifest' unless indicator_line.nil? indicator_line = index end end raise 'No launchable activity found in AndroidManifest' unless indicator_line intent_filter_found = false (0..indicator_line).reverse_each do |index| if intent_filter_found match = lines[index].match(/\s*E:\s*activity-alias/) raise 'Could not find target activity in activity alias' if match match = lines[index].match(/^\s*A:\s*android:targetActivity\(\w*\)\=\"([^\"]+)/){$1} if match log("Found launchable activity '#{match}'") return match end else unless lines[index].match(/\s*E: intent-filter/).nil? log("Read intent filter") intent_filter_found = true end end end raise 'Could not find launchable activity' end end def aapt_dump(app, key) lines = `"#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.aapt_path}" dump badging "#{app}"`.lines.collect(&:strip) { |l| l.start_with?("#{key}:") } end def checksum(file_path) require 'digest/md5' Digest::MD5.file(file_path).hexdigest end def test_server_path(apk_file_path) "test_servers/#{checksum(apk_file_path)}_#{Calabash::Android::VERSION}.apk" end def build_test_server_if_needed(app_path) unless File.exist?(test_server_path(app_path)) if ARGV.include? "--no-build" puts "No test server found for this combination of app and calabash version. Exiting!" exit 1 else puts "No test server found for this combination of app and calabash version. Recreating test server." require 'calabash-android/operations' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'bin', 'calabash-android-build') calabash_build(app_path) end end end def resign_apk(app_path) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir| log "Resign apk" unsigned_path = File.join(tmp_dir, 'unsigned.apk') unaligned_path = File.join(tmp_dir, 'unaligned.apk') FileUtils.cp(app_path, unsigned_path) unsign_apk(unsigned_path) sign_apk(unsigned_path, unaligned_path) zipalign_apk(unaligned_path, app_path) end end def unsign_apk(path) meta_files = `"#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.aapt_path}" list "#{path}"`.lines.collect(&:strip).grep(/^META-INF\//) signing_file_names = ['.mf', '.rsa', '.dsa', '.ec', '.sf'] files_to_remove = do |file| # other will be: # META-INF/foo/bar # other #=> bar directory, file_name, other = file.split('/') if other != nil || file_name.nil? false else if signing_file_names.include?(File.extname(file_name).downcase) true end end end if files_to_remove.empty? log "App wasn't signed. Will not try to unsign it." else system("\"#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.aapt_path}\" remove \"#{path}\" #{files_to_remove.join(" ")}") end end def zipalign_apk(inpath, outpath) cmd = %Q("#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.zipalign_path}" -f 4 "#{inpath}" "#{outpath}") log "Zipaligning using: #{cmd}" system(cmd) end def sign_apk(app_path, dest_path) java_keystore = JavaKeystore.get_keystores.first if java_keystore.nil? raise 'No keystores found. You can specify the keystore location and credentials using calabash-android setup' end java_keystore.sign_apk(app_path, dest_path) end def fingerprint_from_apk(app_path) app_path = File.expand_path(app_path) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir| Dir.chdir(tmp_dir) do FileUtils.cp(app_path, "app.apk") FileUtils.mkdir("META-INF") Calabash::Utils.with_silent_zip do Zip::File.foreach("app.apk") do |z| z.extract if /^META-INF\/\w+.(rsa|dsa)/i =~ end end signature_files = Dir["#{tmp_dir}/META-INF/*"] log 'Signature files:' signature_files.each do |signature_file| log signature_file end raise "No signature files found in META-INF. Cannot proceed." if signature_files.empty? raise "More than one signature file (DSA or RSA) found in META-INF. Cannot proceed." if signature_files.length > 1 cmd = "\"#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.keytool_path}\" -v -printcert -J\"-Dfile.encoding=utf-8\" -file \"#{signature_files.first}\"" log cmd fingerprints = `#{cmd}` md5_fingerprint = extract_sha1_fingerprint(fingerprints) log "SHA1 fingerprint for signing cert (#{app_path}): #{md5_fingerprint}" md5_fingerprint end end end def extract_md5_fingerprint(fingerprints) m = fingerprints.scan(/MD5.*((?:[a-fA-F\d]{2}:){15}[a-fA-F\d]{2})/).flatten raise "No MD5 fingerprint found:\n #{fingerprints}" if m.empty? m.first end def extract_sha1_fingerprint(fingerprints) m = fingerprints.scan(/SHA1.*((?:[a-fA-F\d]{2}:){15}[a-fA-F\d]{2})/).flatten raise "No SHA1 fingerprint found:\n #{fingerprints}" if m.empty? m.first end def extract_signature_algorithm_name(fingerprints) m = fingerprints.scan(/Signature algorithm name: (.*)/).flatten raise "No signature algorithm names found:\n #{fingerprints}" if m.empty? m.first end def log(message, error = false) if error or ARGV.include? "-v" or ARGV.include? "--verbose" or ENV["DEBUG"] == "1" $stdout.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} - #{message}" end end