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It is built on top of rack, and is meant to be small easy and light. That is why it provides a very minimalist way of writing your backend. It treats a request as a request, without splitting it based on the HTTP method. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'atd', :git => 'https://gitlab.com/izwick-schachter/atd.git' ``` Or, (not recommended) you can use only the rubygems version, which you can use with: ```ruby gem 'atd' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it from the repository with: $ git clone https://gitlab.com/izwick-schachter/atd.git $ cd atd $ bundle exec rake install This will also allow you to use the current development version (USE WITH CAUTION), and to use that you can `git checkout development` and then `bundle exec rake install`. ## Setup Setup is as easy as `require "atd"` at the top of whatever file you need it in ## Routing ### Basic Routing On the lowest level it can be used serve files or any strings when a path is requested (and optionally when a specific HTTP method is used). Here is a basic route that will serve `Hello World` when `/` is sent any HTTP request (`GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `DELETE`): ```ruby request "/", "Hello World" ``` The `request` method is also aliased to `req` and `r` for better code readability if you prefer. Here are 3 equivalent routes: ```ruby request "/", "Hello World" req "/", "Hello World" r "/", "Hello World" ``` For the purposes of this README, we will only use the `request` syntax, for improved readability, but anywhere in the code these are interchangeable, because they all return an `ATD::Route` object. You could use the same basic routing syntax to return `Hello World` for a HTTP `GET` request to `/`: ```ruby request.get "/", "Hello World" ``` Or you could use a simpler (but equivalent) syntax: ```ruby get "/", "Hello World" ``` For the purposes of this README we will only use `request.get` and not `get` because we believe it adds clarity. You can also have route respond to more than one HTTP verb with `get.post.put.patch`: ```ruby request.get.post.put.patch "/", "Hello World" ``` This will respond to `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, and `PATCH` with `Hello World`, but will repond to `DELETE` with a `404` status code. The `get.post.put.patch` is not recommended for readability. Instead use the following syntax: ```ruby request "/", "Hello World", respond_to: [:get, :post, :put, :patch] ``` Or, a simpler way would be with `:ignore`: ```ruby request "/", "Hello World", ignore: :delete ``` #### Serving Files All files that you want to serve must be in the `assets` directory if they are, then it is simple to just create a route, and put the filename as the output. For example this will serve `assets/index.html`: ```ruby request "/", "index.html" ``` There are certain modifications which can be made to files between the route being requested and the files being served. That information can be found in the [compilation section](#compilation). ### Advanced Routing #### DefaultApp `DefaultApp` is just another app which extends `ATD::App`, it is the app which doesn't have to be written to in `class DefaultApp`, any routes that are created in `main` will be added to `DefaultApp`, well... by default! To find out more about Apps, you can go to the [Apps section](#apps). #### Inheritance Whenever you create a route, it is given to an App Class (which inherits from `ATD::App`). This isn't apparent when you create a route in `main`, but even when you do that the route is added to `DefaultApp`. If you are using Apps, than when you create a route in the App Class, that route is given to that Class. When you start the server, it then creates an instance of the App Class and starts it as a rack app. But that is not what the purpose of Apps are. The intention of Apps are to allow you to use one App Class as a template class, from which you can create many different apps. An App Class is not a rack app all by itself. Every instance of an App Class is a rack app. But the rack app doesn't actually start until `start` is called. This means that you can create an instance of an App Class (an App), and then you can modify it before starting it. So for example, you can have an app which is impacted by an instance variable: ```ruby class MyApp < ATD::App attr_accessor :my_name request "/", "Hi! This is my_name's App!" do @http[:output] = @http[:output].gsub("my_name", @my_name) end end ``` Which you can then create an instance of and modify the instance variable: ```ruby app = MyApp.new app.my_name = "Fredrick" app.start ``` Then when you try to access the website, it will respond to `/` with `Hi! This is Fredrick's App!`. #### Blocks You can also add blocks to the basic routing methods to execute code when they are reached, and customize the response to the incoming request. Here is an example that will return the HTTP method used to request `/`: ```ruby request "/" do @http[:output] = @http[:method] end ``` This example uses the `@http` variable which is provided to the route when called. `@http[:method]` is the http verb used by the request, and `@http[:output]` is what the route will return. If you have already defined a return value, `@http[:output]` will already be set to it. For example: ```ruby request "/", "The HTTP Verb is: " do @http[:output] += @http[:method] end ``` Will return `The HTTP Verb is: get/post/put/patch/delete`, depending on the http verb used in the request. It will also pre-parse a file. So if you have added an HTML file with `request "/", "file.html"`, `@http[:output]` will be set to the contents of that file. You could also run some complex method created outside the route. This route is called in the same scope as any block you were to declare. Here is an example: ```ruby request "/", "I'm computing a complex function" do complex_function end ``` ##### @http The `@http` instance variable can be used to work with the http request the the route is parsing. Here are some ways you can use the `@http` variable: ```ruby @http[:status_code] = 200 # By default the status code is 200. You can manipulate this. @http[:headers] = {} # By defualt there are no headers. You can add whatever you want. @http[:method] = env["REQUEST_METHOD"] # Writing to this does nothing. Just a way for you to see the request method. @http[:output] # This is set to the output you give in the args for request @http[:request] # The associated Rack::Request for the request. ``` While you can use `@http[:status_code]` to change the status code, you can also set a status code with `r "/", status_code: 200`. That status code must be >= 100, as per the Rack Specification. #### Controllers ATD also had the capabilities to use controllers. A controller is an object which responds to controller methods, usually a module with `extend self`. Here is an example of an app using controllers: ```ruby module MyController def test_route return "You've reached test_route" end end request "/", "MyController#test_route" #=> "You've reached test_route" ``` ### Apps ATD also allows you to use different "apps". Each app is independent of the others and lives is a class with the same name as the app. A file can have any number of apps, each of which can have it's own settings, files, and routes. By default, adding routes to `main` will make them a part of the app `DefaultApp`, which will work fine if you only need one app. #### App Creation To create an app you can use `ATD.new("AppName")`. It is important to note that *ATD.new is not a constructor, although I will refer to it as one*. It simply behaves like one because you can use it to "construct" a new app. The app creation process creates a new class which you can open anywhere in your app file, with the name you pass. The name must `#respond_to?(:to_sym)`, and must be a valid class name. You must call the constructor before you begin adding routes to the class, or open the class at all. You can also use the more intuitive way to create an app, which would be by declaring a class which extends `ATD::App`, like so: ```ruby class MyAppClass < ATD::App # All of my routes, code, etc. end ``` #### Starting the App There are two basic ways to start the app. You can start it by calling `AppName.new.start` or more simply `AppName.start` which will create an instance and call start on it, or you can use the more common syntax. For `DefaultApp` that would be: ```ruby request "/", "Hello World!" start ``` And for `MyApp` that would be: ```ruby class MyApp request "/", "Hello World!" start end ``` #### App Routing To add routes to an app, you simply must call the standard routing method inside the app class. For example, to create and add routes to an app called `Name` I would use the following code: ```ruby class Name < ATD::App request "/", "Hello World" end ``` ### Logging Currently there is no specified logging interface. Just use `puts` or `p` to log to `STDOUT`. ### Compilation `ATD` will take your views and compress them for you so that your information can be transmitted more quickly. There are two different types of compilation, precompilation which occurs when the server is started, and compilation, which will live compile your code. While there are a few compilers and precompilers which will come with `ATD` most are user defined. To define compiler and precompiler methods simply add them like so: ```ruby module ATD::Compilation::Precomiler def extension(file, *opts) # This will work with any file that has .extension # File is the contents of the file being compiled # Whatever you return is what the file will be compiled to file end end module ATD::Compilation::Compiler # Same thing here def extension(file, *opts) # This will work with any file that has .extension file end end ``` The compilation works by going through the file extensions from last to first and running the compilations for each extension in that order. For example `file.html.erb` will first be compiled by the ERB compiler, then the output of the ERB compiler will be compiled by the HTML compiler. ## Design Paradigms ATD is designed to fit into many different design paradigms, and to allow each person to adopt their own styles while leaving code readable to everyone. Do do this, the code was left fairly unstructured, but [here are a few examples from well known frameworks](https://gitlab.com/izwick-schachter/atd-examples.git). ## Documentation You can find the YARD docs at http://izwick-schachter.gitlab.io/atd/YARD/. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bundle exec rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/izwick-schachter/atd/issues. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct.