= New Relic RPM * http://www.newrelic.com New Relic RPM is a Ruby performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc. RPM provides you with deep information about the performance of your Ruby on Rails or Merb application as it runs in production. The New Relic Agent is distributed as a either a Rails plugin or a Gem, both hosted on RubyForge. The New Relic Agent runs in one of two modes: * Developer Mode : Adds a web interface mapped to /newrelic to your application for showing detailed performance metrics on a page by page basis. * Production Mode : Low overhead instrumentation that captures detailed information on your application running in production and transmits them to rpm.newrelic.com where you can monitor them in real time. === DEVELOPER MODE Developer mode is on by default when you run your application in the development environment (but not when it runs in other environments.) When running in developer mode, RPM will track the performance of every http request serviced by your application, and store in memory this information for the last 100 http transactions. When running in Developer Mode, the RPM will also add a few pages to your application that allow you to analyze this performance information. (Don't worry - those pages are not added to your application's routes when you run in production mode.) To view this performance information, including detailed SQL statement analysis, open '/newrelic' in your web application. For instance if you are running mongrel or thin on port 3000, enter the following into your browser: http://localhost:3000/newrelic === PRODUCTION MODE To monitor your applications in production, create an account at http://newrelic.com/get-RPM.html When your application runs in the production environment, the New Relic agent runs in production mode. It connects to the New Relic RPM service and sends deep performance data to the RPM service for your analysis. To view this data, login to http://rpm.newrelic.com. NOTE: You must have a valid account and license key to view this data online. When you sign up for an account at www.newrelic.com, you will be provided with a license key, as well as a default configuration file for New Relic RPM. You can either paste your license key into your existing configuration file, config/newrelic.yml, or you can replace that config file with the one included in your welcome email. == REQUIREMENTS: Ruby 1.8.6 Rails 1.2.6 or above Merb 1.0 or above == RAILS PLUG-IN INSTALL: script/plugin install http://newrelic.rubyforge.net/svn/newrelic_rpm == GEM INSTALL: sudo gem install newrelic_rpm For Rails, edit environment.rb and add to the initalizer block: config.gem "newrelic_rpm" The Developer Mode is unavailable when using the gem on Rails versions prior to 2.0. == MERB SUPPORT: To monitor a merb app install the newrelic_rpm gem and add dependency 'newrelic_rpm' to your init.rb file. Developer Mode not currently available in merb. == SUPPORT: Reach out to us - and to fellow RPM users - on our support forum at http://getsatisfaction.com/newrelic. We’ll share tips and tricks, answer all your questions, and announce product updates. Operators are standing by. For other support channels, see http://www.newrelic.com/support. Thank you, and may your application scale to infinity plus one. Lew Cirne, Founder and CEO New Relic, Inc.