require 'spec_helper' require 'matchers/json' require 'puppet/indirector/request' describe Puppet::Indirector::Request do include JSONMatchers describe "when initializing" do it "should always convert the indirection name to a symbol" do expect("ind", :method, "mykey", nil).indirection_name).to eq(:ind) end it "should use provided value as the key if it is a string" do expect(, :method, "mykey", nil).key).to eq("mykey") end it "should use provided value as the key if it is a symbol" do expect(, :method, :mykey, nil).key).to eq(:mykey) end it "should use the name of the provided instance as its key if an instance is provided as the key instead of a string" do instance = double('instance', :name => "mykey") request =, :method, nil, instance) expect(request.key).to eq("mykey") expect(request.instance).to equal(instance) end it "should support options specified as a hash" do expect {, :method, :key, nil, :one => :two) }.to_not raise_error end it "should support nil options" do expect {, :method, :key, nil, nil) }.to_not raise_error end it "should support unspecified options" do expect {, :method, :key, nil) }.to_not raise_error end it "should use an empty options hash if nil was provided" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, nil).options).to eq({}) end it "should default to a nil node" do expect(, :method, :key, nil).node).to be_nil end it "should set its node attribute if provided in the options" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :node => "").node).to eq("") end it "should default to a nil ip" do expect(, :method, :key, nil).ip).to be_nil end it "should set its ip attribute if provided in the options" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :ip => "").ip).to eq("") end it "should default to being unauthenticated" do expect(, :method, :key, nil)).not_to be_authenticated end it "should set be marked authenticated if configured in the options" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :authenticated => "eh")).to be_authenticated end it "should keep its options as a hash even if a node is specified" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :node => "eh").options).to be_instance_of(Hash) end it "should keep its options as a hash even if another option is specified" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :foo => "bar").options).to be_instance_of(Hash) end it "should treat options other than :ip, :node, and :authenticated as options rather than attributes" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :server => "bar").options[:server]).to eq("bar") end it "should normalize options to use symbols as keys" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, "foo" => "bar").options[:foo]).to eq("bar") end describe "and the request key is a URI" do let(:file) { File.expand_path("/my/file with spaces") } let(:an_environment) { Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:an_environment, []) } let(:env_loaders) { } around(:each) do |example| Puppet.override({ :environments => env_loaders }, "Static environment loader for specs") do end end describe "and the URI is a 'file' URI" do before do @request =, :method, "#{Puppet::Util.uri_unescape(Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(file).to_s)}", nil) end it "should set the request key to the unescaped full file path" do expect(@request.key).to eq(file) end it "should not set the protocol" do expect(@request.protocol).to be_nil end it "should not set the port" do expect(@request.port).to be_nil end it "should not set the server" do expect(@request.server).to be_nil end end it "should set the protocol to the URI scheme" do expect(, :method, "http://host/", nil).protocol).to eq("http") end it "should set the server if a server is provided" do expect(, :method, "http://host/", nil).server).to eq("host") end it "should set the server and port if both are provided" do expect(, :method, "http://host:543/", nil).port).to eq(543) end it "should default to the serverport if the URI scheme is 'puppet'" do Puppet[:serverport] = "321" expect(, :method, "puppet://host/", nil).port).to eq(321) end it "should use the provided port if the URI scheme is not 'puppet'" do expect(, :method, "http://host/", nil).port).to eq(80) end it "should set the request key to the unescaped path from the URI" do expect(, :method, "http://host/stuff with spaces", nil).key).to eq("stuff with spaces") end it "should set the request key to the unescaped path from the URI, in UTF-8 encoding" do path = "\u4e07" uri = "http://host/#{path}" request =, :method, uri, nil) expect(request.key).to eq(path) expect(request.key.encoding).to eq(Encoding::UTF_8) end it "should set the request key properly given a UTF-8 URI" do # different UTF-8 widths # 1-byte A # 2-byte ۿ - - 0xDB 0xBF / 219 191 # 3-byte ᚠ - - 0xE1 0x9A 0xA0 / 225 154 160 # 4-byte - - 0xF0 0xA0 0x9C 0x8E / 240 160 156 142 mixed_utf8 = "A\u06FF\u16A0\u{2070E}" # Aۿᚠ key = "a/path/stu ff/#{mixed_utf8}" req =, :method, "http:///#{key}", nil) expect(req.key).to eq(key) expect(req.key.encoding).to eq(Encoding::UTF_8) expect(req.uri).to eq("http:///#{key}") end it "should set the :uri attribute to the full URI" do expect(, :method, "http:///a/path/stu ff", nil).uri).to eq('http:///a/path/stu ff') end it "should not parse relative URI" do expect(, :method, "foo/bar", nil).uri).to be_nil end it "should not parse opaque URI" do expect(, :method, "mailto:joe", nil).uri).to be_nil end end it "should allow indication that it should not read a cached instance" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :ignore_cache => true)).to be_ignore_cache end it "should default to not ignoring the cache" do expect(, :method, :key, nil)).not_to be_ignore_cache end it "should allow indication that it should not not read an instance from the terminus" do expect(, :method, :key, nil, :ignore_terminus => true)).to be_ignore_terminus end it "should default to not ignoring the terminus" do expect(, :method, :key, nil)).not_to be_ignore_terminus end end it "should look use the Indirection class to return the appropriate indirection" do ind = double('indirection') expect(Puppet::Indirector::Indirection).to receive(:instance).with(:myind).and_return(ind) request =, :method, :key, nil) expect(request.indirection).to equal(ind) end it "should use its indirection to look up the appropriate model" do ind = double('indirection') expect(Puppet::Indirector::Indirection).to receive(:instance).with(:myind).and_return(ind) request =, :method, :key, nil) expect(ind).to receive(:model).and_return("mymodel") expect(request.model).to eq("mymodel") end it "should fail intelligently when asked to find a model but the indirection cannot be found" do expect(Puppet::Indirector::Indirection).to receive(:instance).with(:myind).and_return(nil) request =, :method, :key, nil) expect { request.model }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should have a method for determining if the request is plural or singular" do expect(, :method, :key, nil)).to respond_to(:plural?) end it "should be considered plural if the method is 'search'" do expect(, :search, :key, nil)).to be_plural end it "should not be considered plural if the method is not 'search'" do expect(, :find, :key, nil)).not_to be_plural end it "should use its uri, if it has one, as its description" do Puppet.override( { :environments =>, [])) }, "Static loader for spec" ) do expect(, :find, "foo://bar/baz", nil).description).to eq("foo://bar/baz") end end it "should use its indirection name and key, if it has no uri, as its description" do expect(, :find, "key", nil).description).to eq("/myind/key") end it "should set its environment to an environment instance when a string is specified as its environment" do env = Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:foo, []) Puppet.override(:environments => do expect(, :find, "my key", nil, :environment => "foo").environment).to eq(env) end end it "should use any passed in environment instances as its environment" do env = Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:foo, []) expect(, :find, "my key", nil, :environment => env).environment).to equal(env) end it "should use the current environment when none is provided" do Puppet[:environment] = "foo" expect(, :find, "my key", nil).environment).to eq(Puppet.lookup(:current_environment)) end it "should support converting its options to a hash" do expect(, :find, "my key", nil )).to respond_to(:to_hash) end it "should include all of its attributes when its options are converted to a hash" do expect(, :find, "my key", nil, :node => 'foo').to_hash[:node]).to eq('foo') end describe "when building a query string from its options" do def a_request_with_options(options), :find, "my key", nil, options) end def the_parsed_query_string_from(request) CGI.parse(request.query_string.sub(/^\?/, '')) end it "should return an empty query string if there are no options" do request = a_request_with_options(nil) expect(request.query_string).to eq("") end it "should return an empty query string if the options are empty" do request = a_request_with_options({}) expect(request.query_string).to eq("") end it "should include all options in the query string, separated by '&'" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => "two", :three => "four") expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["two"], "three" => ["four"] }) end it "should ignore nil options" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => "two", :three => nil) expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["two"] }) end it "should convert 'true' option values into strings" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => true) expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["true"] }) end it "should convert 'false' option values into strings" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => false) expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["false"] }) end it "should convert to a string all option values that are integers" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => 50) expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["50"] }) end it "should convert to a string all option values that are floating point numbers" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => 1.2) expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["1.2"] }) end it "should CGI-escape all option values that are strings" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => "one two") expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["one two"] }) end it "should convert an array of values into multiple entries for the same key" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => %w{one two}) expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["one", "two"] }) end it "should stringify simple data types inside an array" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => ['one', nil]) expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["one"] }) end it "should error if an array contains another array" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => ['one', ["not allowed"]]) expect { request.query_string }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should error if an array contains illegal data" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => ['one', { :not => "allowed" }]) expect { request.query_string }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should convert to a string and CGI-escape all option values that are symbols" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => :"sym bol") expect(the_parsed_query_string_from(request)).to eq({ "one" => ["sym bol"] }) end it "should fail if options other than booleans or strings are provided" do request = a_request_with_options(:one => { :one => :two }) expect { request.query_string }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context '#do_request' do before :each do @request =, :find, "my key", nil) end context 'when not using SRV records' do before :each do Puppet.settings[:use_srv_records] = false end it "yields the request with the default server and port when no server or port were specified on the original request" do count = 0 rval = @request.do_request(:puppet, '', '90210') do |got| count += 1 expect(got.server).to eq('') expect(got.port).to eq('90210') 'Block return value' end expect(count).to eq(1) expect(rval).to eq('Block return value') end end context 'when using SRV records' do before :each do Puppet.settings[:use_srv_records] = true Puppet.settings[:srv_domain] = '' end it "yields the request with the original server and port unmodified" do @request.server = '' @request.port = '90210' count = 0 rval = @request.do_request do |got| count += 1 expect(got.server).to eq('') expect(got.port).to eq('90210') 'Block return value' end expect(count).to eq(1) expect(rval).to eq('Block return value') end context "when SRV returns servers" do before :each do @dns_mock = double('dns') expect(Resolv::DNS).to receive(:new).and_return(@dns_mock) @port = 7205 @target = '' record =, 0, @port, @target) record.instance_variable_set(:@ttl, 10) @srv_records = [record] expect(@dns_mock).to receive(:getresources). with("_x-puppet._tcp.#{Puppet.settings[:srv_domain]}", Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::SRV). and_return(@srv_records) end it "yields a request using the server and port from the SRV record" do count = 0 rval = @request.do_request do |got| count += 1 expect(got.server).to eq('') expect(got.port).to eq(7205) @block_return end expect(count).to eq(1) expect(rval).to eq(@block_return) end it "should fall back to the default server when the block raises a SystemCallError" do count = 0 second_pass = nil rval = @request.do_request(:puppet, 'puppet', 8140) do |got| count += 1 if got.server == '' then raise SystemCallError, "example failure" else second_pass = got end @block_return end expect(second_pass.server).to eq('puppet') expect(second_pass.port).to eq(8140) expect(count).to eq(2) expect(rval).to eq(@block_return) end end end end describe "#remote?" do def request(options = {})'node', 'find', 'localhost', nil, options) end it "should not be unless node or ip is set" do expect(request).not_to be_remote end it "should be remote if node is set" do expect(request(:node => '')).to be_remote end it "should be remote if ip is set" do expect(request(:ip => '')).to be_remote end it "should be remote if node and ip are set" do expect(request(:node => '', :ip => '')).to be_remote end end describe "failover" do it "should use the provided failover host and port" do Puppet.override(:server => 'myhost', :serverport => 666) do req ='node', 'find', 'localhost', nil) req.do_request() do |request| expect(request.server).to eq('myhost') expect(request.port).to eq(666) end end end it "should not use raw settings when failover fails" do Puppet.override(:server => nil, :serverport => nil) do req ='node', 'find', 'localhost', nil) req.do_request() do |request| expect(request.server).to be_nil expect(request.port).to be_nil expect(Puppet.settings[:server]).not_to be_nil expect(Puppet.settings[:serverport]).not_to be_nil end end end it "should use server_list when set and failover has not occured" do Puppet.settings[:server_list] = [['myhost',666]] req ='node', 'find', 'localhost', nil) req.do_request() do |request| expect(request.server).to eq('myhost') expect(request.port).to eq(666) end end it "should use server when server_list is not set" do req ='node', 'find', 'localhost', nil) req.do_request() do |request| expect(request.server).to eq(Puppet.settings[:server]) expect(request.port).to eq(Puppet.settings[:serverport]) end end end end