Feature: Collect all the tests that should trigger dialect check related errors Scenario: Title rows, I wish to trigger a :title_row type message Given I have a CSV file called "title-row.csv" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I ask if there are warnings Then there should be 1 warnings And that warning should have the type "title_row" # :nonrfc_line_breaks Scenario: LF line endings in file give an info message of type :nonrfc_line_breaks Given I have a CSV file called "lf-line-endings.csv" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I set header to "true" And I ask if there are info messages Then there should be 2 info messages And one of the messages should have the type "nonrfc_line_breaks" Scenario: CR line endings in file give an info message of type :nonrfc_line_breaks Given I have a CSV file called "cr-line-endings.csv" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I set header to "true" And I ask if there are info messages Then there should be 2 info messages And one of the messages should have the type "nonrfc_line_breaks" Scenario: CRLF line endings in file produces no info messages of type :nonrfc_line_breaks Given I have a CSV file called "crlf-line-endings.csv" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I set header to "true" And I ask if there are info messages Then there should be 1 info message # :line_breaks Scenario: Incorrect line endings specified in settings Given I have a CSV file called "cr-line-endings.csv" And I set the line endings to linefeed And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "line_breaks" Scenario: inconsistent line endings in file cause an error Given I have a CSV file called "inconsistent-line-endings.csv" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "line_breaks" Scenario: inconsistent line endings with unquoted fields in file cause an error Given I have a CSV file called "inconsistent-line-endings-unquoted.csv" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "line_breaks" #:unclosed_quote Scenario: CSV with incorrect quoting Given I have a CSV with the following content: """ "col1","col2","col3" "Foo","Bar","Baz """ And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" When I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "unclosed_quote" And that error should have the row "2" And that error should have the content ""Foo","Bar","Baz" # :invalid_encoding Scenario: Report invalid Encoding Given I have a CSV file called "invalid-byte-sequence.csv" And I set an encoding header of "UTF-8" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" When I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "invalid_encoding" Scenario: Report invalid file #should this throw an excel error? Given I have a CSV file called "spreadsheet.xls" And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" When I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "invalid_encoding" # :blank_rows Scenario: Successfully report a CSV with blank rows Given I have a CSV with the following content: """ "col1","col2","col3" "Foo","Bar","Baz" "","", "Baz","Bar","Foo" """ And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" When I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "blank_rows" And that error should have the row "3" And that error should have the content """,""," Scenario: Successfully report a CSV with multiple trailing empty rows Given I have a CSV with the following content: """ "col1","col2","col3" "Foo","Bar","Baz" "Foo","Bar","Baz" """ And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" When I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "blank_rows" And that error should have the row "4" Scenario: Successfully report a CSV with an empty row Given I have a CSV with the following content: """ "col1","col2","col3" "Foo","Bar","Baz" "Foo","Bar","Baz" """ And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" When I ask if there are errors Then there should be 1 error And that error should have the type "blank_rows" And that error should have the row "3" #:check_options Scenario: Warn if options seem to return invalid data Given I have a CSV with the following content: """ 'Foo';'Bar';'Baz' '1';'2';'3' '3';'2';'1' """ And I set the delimiter to "," And I set quotechar to """ And it is stored at the url "http://example.com/example1.csv" And I ask if there are warnings Then there should be 1 warnings And that warning should have the type "check_options"