# Prawn+ [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/prawn_plus.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/prawn_plus) [![Code Climate GPA](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus) [![Code Climate Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus) [![Gemnasium Status](https://gemnasium.com/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus) [![Travis CI Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus) [![Patreon](https://img.shields.io/badge/patreon-donate-brightgreen.svg)](https://www.patreon.com/bkuhlmann) # Table of Contents - [Features](#features) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Setup](#setup) - [Usage](#usage) - [Views](#views) - [Controllers](#controllers) - [Tests](#tests) - [Versioning](#versioning) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [Contributions](#contributions) - [License](#license) - [History](#history) - [Credits](#credits) # Features - Loads the [Prawn](https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn) gem by default (no Gemfile entry necessary). - Registers PDF as a MIME type. - Registers a template handler for rendering ".prawn" template view files. # Requirements 0. [MRI 2.x.x](https://www.ruby-lang.org). 0. [Ruby on Rails 4.x.x](http://rubyonrails.org). 0. [Prawn](https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn). # Setup For a secure install, type the following from the command line (recommended): gem cert --add <(curl -Ls https://www.alchemists.io/gem-public.pem) gem install prawn_plus --trust-policy MediumSecurity NOTE: A HighSecurity trust policy would be best but MediumSecurity enables signed gem verification while allowing the installation of unsigned dependencies since they are beyond the scope of this gem. For an insecure install, type the following (not recommended): gem install prawn_plus Add the following to your Gemfile: gem "prawn_plus" # Usage ## Views Within your views you can craft Prawn templates using Ruby code. For example, assuming there are document resources, then the following structure might exist: /views/documents/show.html.slim /views/documents/show.pdf.prawn The `show.html.slim` could have a link to the PDF download. Example: = link_to "PDF Download", action: "show", id: @document.id, format: "pdf" The `show.pdf.prawn` file would contain the Prawn syntax for crafting the PDF. A simple example might look like this: pdf.text "Hello, I'm a PDF!" ...which would render the following output: [![Basic Example](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus/raw/master/doc/examples/basic.png)](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus) You could also render a more complex PDF with tabular information, for example: pdf.text "Metals" pdf.move_down 10 pdf.font_size = 10 data = [ ["Name", "Atomic Number", "Price"], ["Mercury", "80", number_to_currency(10)], ["Platinum", "78", number_to_currency(25)], ["Titanium", "22", number_to_currency(50)] ] pdf.table data, header: true, column_widths: [100, 50, 50], row_colors: ["FFFFFF", "E5ECF9"] do columns(0).align = :left columns(1..2).align = :right row(0).text_color = "FFFFFF" row(0).background_color = "000000" row(0).columns(0..2).font_style = :bold row(0).columns(0..2).align = :center end ...which would render the following output: [![Complex Example](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus/raw/master/doc/examples/complex.png)](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/prawn_plus) *NOTE: The `pdf` object must always be referenced when making using of the Prawn syntax - it is initialized for you as a Prawn::Document instance.* ## Controllers Within your controller, only the `respond_to` method is required. Example: class DocumentsController < ApplicationController respond_to :pdf def show end end That's it! # Tests To test, run: bundle exec rake # Versioning Read [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org) for details. Briefly, it means: - Patch (x.y.Z) - Incremented for small, backwards compatible bug fixes. - Minor (x.Y.z) - Incremented for new, backwards compatible public API enhancements and/or bug fixes. - Major (X.y.z) - Incremented for any backwards incompatible public API changes. # Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [CODE OF CONDUCT](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. # Contributions Read [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details. # License Copyright (c) 2012 [Alchemists](https://www.alchemists.io). Read the [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) for details. # History Read the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for details. Built with [Gemsmith](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/gemsmith). # Credits Developed by [Brooke Kuhlmann](https://www.alchemists.io) at [Alchemists](https://www.alchemists.io).