module Ridley # @author Jamie Winsor module Errors class RidleyError < StandardError; end class InternalError < RidleyError; end class ArgumentError < InternalError; end class ResourceNotFound < RidleyError; end class ValidatorNotFound < RidleyError; end class InvalidResource < RidleyError attr_reader :errors def initialize(errors) @errors = errors end def message errors.values end alias_method :to_s, :message end class UnknownCookbookFileType < RidleyError attr_reader :type def initialize(type) @type = type end def to_s "filetype: '#{type}'" end end class CookbookSyntaxError < RidleyError; end class EncryptedDataBagSecretNotSet < RidleyError def message "no encrypted data bag secret was set for this Ridley connection" end end class BootstrapError < RidleyError; end class ClientKeyFileNotFound < BootstrapError; end class EncryptedDataBagSecretNotFound < BootstrapError; end class HostConnectionError < BootstrapError; end class RemoteCommandError < RidleyError; end class RemoteScriptError < RemoteCommandError; end # Exception thrown when the maximum amount of requests is exceeded. class RedirectLimitReached < RidleyError attr_reader :response def initialize(response) super "too many redirects; last one to: #{response['location']}" @response = response end end class FrozenCookbook < RidleyError; end class SandboxCommitError < RidleyError; end class PermissionDenied < RidleyError; end class HTTPError < RidleyError class << self def fabricate(env) klass = lookup_error(env[:status].to_i) end def register_error(status) error_map[status.to_i] = self end def lookup_error(status) error_map.fetch(status.to_i) rescue KeyError HTTPUnknownStatus end def error_map @@error_map ||= end end attr_reader :env attr_reader :errors attr_reader :message alias_method :to_s, :message def initialize(env) @env = env @errors = env[:body].is_a?(Hash) ? Array(env[:body][:error]) : [] if errors.empty? @message = env[:body] || "no content body" else @message = "errors: " @message << errors.collect { |e| "'#{e}'" }.join(', ') end end end class HTTPUnknownStatus < HTTPError def initialize(env) super(env) @message = "status: #{env[:status]} is an unknown HTTP status code or not an error." end end class HTTPUnknownMethod < HTTPError attr_reader :method def initialize(method) @method = method @message = "unknown http method: #{method}" end end class HTTP3XXError < HTTPError; end class HTTP4XXError < HTTPError; end class HTTP5XXError < HTTPError; end # 3XX class HTTPMultipleChoices < HTTP3XXError; register_error(300); end class HTTPMovedPermanently < HTTP3XXError; register_error(301); end class HTTPFound < HTTP3XXError; register_error(302); end class HTTPSeeOther < HTTP3XXError; register_error(303); end class HTTPNotModified < HTTP3XXError; register_error(304); end class HTTPUseProxy < HTTP3XXError; register_error(305); end class HTTPTemporaryRedirect < HTTP3XXError; register_error(307); end # 4XX class HTTPBadRequest < HTTP4XXError; register_error(400); end class HTTPUnauthorized < HTTP4XXError; register_error(401); end class HTTPPaymentRequired < HTTP4XXError; register_error(402); end class HTTPForbidden < HTTP4XXError; register_error(403); end class HTTPNotFound < HTTP4XXError; register_error(404); end class HTTPMethodNotAllowed < HTTP4XXError; register_error(405); end class HTTPNotAcceptable < HTTP4XXError; register_error(406); end class HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired < HTTP4XXError; register_error(407); end class HTTPRequestTimeout < HTTP4XXError; register_error(408); end class HTTPConflict < HTTP4XXError; register_error(409); end class HTTPGone < HTTP4XXError; register_error(410); end class HTTPLengthRequired < HTTP4XXError; register_error(411); end class HTTPPreconditionFailed < HTTP4XXError; register_error(412); end class HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge < HTTP4XXError; register_error(413); end class HTTPRequestURITooLong < HTTP4XXError; register_error(414); end class HTTPUnsupportedMediaType < HTTP4XXError; register_error(415); end # 5XX class HTTPInternalServerError < HTTP5XXError; register_error(500); end class HTTPNotImplemented < HTTP5XXError; register_error(501); end class HTTPBadGateway < HTTP5XXError; register_error(502); end class HTTPServiceUnavailable < HTTP5XXError; register_error(503); end class HTTPGatewayTimeout < HTTP5XXError; register_error(504); end end end