class Html2Doc class Jis < ::Html2Doc def list2para(list) return if list.xpath("./li").empty? list.xpath("./li").each do |l| list2para_level(l, list) end end def style_list(elem, level, liststyle, listnumber) liststyle or return elem["level"] = level super end def list2para_level(item, list) level = item["level"] item.delete("level") = "p" list2para_nest(item, level, list) if level end def list2para_nest(item, level, list) item["class"] = list2para_style(, level) item.xpath("./p").each do |p| p["class"] = list2para_class(, level) p["style"] = item["style"] (a = list2para_style(, level)) && !a.empty? and p["style"] = "#{a};#{p['style']}" p["id"] = item["id"] end"./p") or return item.replace(item.children) end def list2para_unnest_para(para, first_p, last_p) return if last_p.xpath("./following-sibling::* | ./following-sibling::text()") .any? do |x| !x.text.strip.empty? end prev = first_p.xpath("./preceding-sibling::* | " \ "./preceding-sibling::text()[normalize-space()]") # bullet, tab, paragraph: ignore bullet, tab if prev.empty? then para.replace(para.children) elsif prev.size == 2 && prev[-1].name == "span" && prev[-1]["style"] == "mso-tab-count:1" first_p.replace(first_p.children) end end def list2para_class(listtype, depth) case listtype when "ol" then "MsoList" when "ul" case depth when "1" then "MsoListBullet" when "2", "3", "4", "5" then "MsoListBullet#{depth}" else "MsoListBullet6" end end end def list2para_style(listtype, depth) case listtype when "ol" ret = case depth when "1" then "margin-left: 36.0pt;" when "2" then "margin-left: 54.0pt;" when "3" then "margin-left: 72.0pt;" when "4" then "margin-left: 90.0pt;" when "5" then "margin-left: 108.0pt;" when "6" then "margin-left: 126.0pt;" when "7" then "margin-left: 144.0pt;" when "8" then "margin-left: 162.0pt;" else "margin-left: 180.0pt;" end "#{ret}text-indent:-18.0pt;" when "ul" ret = case depth when "1" then "margin-left: 36.0pt;" when "2" then "margin-left: 45.95pt;" when "3" then "margin-left: 72.0pt;" when "4" then "margin-left: 90.0pt;" when "5" then "margin-left: 108.0pt;" when "6" then "margin-left: 126.0pt;" when "7" then "margin-left: 144.0pt;" when "8" then "margin-left: 162.0pt;" else "margin-left: 180.0pt;" end "#{ret}text-indent:-18.0pt;" end end def lists(docxml, liststyles) super docxml.xpath("//p[ol | ul]").each do |p| list2para_unnest_para(p,"./ol | ./ul"),"./*[name() = 'ul' or name() = 'ol'][last()]")) end docxml.xpath("//ol | //ul").each do |u| u.replace(u.children) end unnest_list_paras(docxml) end def unnest_list_paras(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'MsoList' or @class = 'MsoListBullet']" \ "[.//p]").each do |p|"./p") and list2para_unnest_para(p,"./p"),"./p[last()]")) p.xpath(".//p[p]").each do |p1| list2para_unnest_para(p1,"./p"),"./p[last()]")) end end end def list_add(xpath, liststyles, listtype, level) xpath.each do |l| level == 1 and l["seen"] = true and @listnumber += 1 l["seen"] = true if level == 1 l["id"] ||= UUIDTools::UUID.random_create list_add_number(l, liststyles, listtype, level) list_add_tail(l, liststyles, listtype, level) end end def list_add_number(list, liststyles, listtype, level) i = list["start"] and @listnumber = list["start"].to_i - 1 (list.xpath(".//li") - list.xpath(".//ol//li | .//ul//li")).each do |li| style_list(li, level, liststyles[listtype], @listnumber) list_add1(li, liststyles, listtype, level) end end def list_add_tail(list, liststyles, listtype, level) list.xpath(".//ul[not(ancestor::li/ancestor::*/@id = '#{list['id']}')] | " \ ".//ol[not(ancestor::li/ancestor::*/@id = '#{list['id']}')]") .each do |li| list_add1(li.parent, liststyles, listtype, level - 1) end end def cleanup(docxml) super docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'Quote' or @class = 'Example' or " \ "@class = 'Note']").each do |d| d.delete("class") end docxml end end end