#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # == Synopsis # A simple utility for importing imaging data for an entire study into the WADRC Data Tools web # application. Scans each visit within a particular protocol and inserts all the appropriat meta-data # into the given database. Can be run as a command line utility, or the function can be required by other packages. # # == Examples # import_study.rb alz_1 /path/to/the/rails/db/production.sqlite3 # # == Usage # import_visit.rb # # Study codes are one of: # alz_1, alz_2, cms_wais, cms_uwmr, esprit_1, esprit_2, gallagher_pd, pib_pilot, ries_pilot, ries_1, # tbi1000_1, tbi1000_2, tbi1000_3, tbiva, wrap140 # # For help use: import_visit.rb -h # # == Options # -h, --help Displays help message # # == Author # K.J. Kosmatka, kk4@medicine.wisc.edu # # == Copyright # Copyright (c) 2009 WADRC Imaging Core. # $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..') require 'visit_raw_data_directory' require 'pathname' require 'logger' #:stopdoc: STUDIES = { :alz_1 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/alz_2000', :logfile => 'alz.visit1.scan.log', :filter => /^alz...$|^alz..._[AB]/i, :codename => 'johnson.alz.visit1' }, :alz_2 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/alz_2000', :logfile => 'alz.visit2.scan.log', :filter => /^alz..._2$/, :codename => 'johnson.alz.visit2' }, :cms_wais => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/cms/wais', :logfile => 'cms.wais.scan.log', :filter => /^pc/, :codename => 'johnson.cms.visit1.wais' }, :cms_uwmr => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/cms/uwmr', :logfile => 'cms.uwmr.scan.log', :filter => /^cms...$/, :codename => 'johnson.cms.visit1.uwmr' }, :esprit_1 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/esprit/baseline', :logfile => 'esprit.baseline.scan.log', :filter => /^esp3/, :codename => 'carlsson.esprit.visit1.baseline' }, :esprit_2 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/esprit/9month', :logfile => 'esprit.9month.scan.log', :filter => /^esp3/, :codename => 'carlsson.esprit.visit2.9month' }, :gallagher_pd => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/gallagher_pd', :logfile => 'gallagher.scan.log', :filter => /^pd..._/, :codename => 'gallagher.pd.visit1' }, :pib_pilot => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/pib_pilot_mri', :logfile => 'pib.mri.pilot.scan.log', :filter => /^cpr0/, :codename => 'johnson.pibmripilot.visit1.uwmr' }, :ries_1 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/ries.aware.visit1', :logfile => 'ries.aware.visit1.scan.log', :filter => /^awr0/, :codename => 'ries.aware.visit1' }, :ries_pilot => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/ries.aware.visit1', :logfile => 'ries.aware.pilot.scan.log', :filter => /^awrP/, :codename => 'ries.aware.pilot' }, :tbi1000_1 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/tbi_1000', :logfile => 'tbi1000.visit1.scan.log', :filter => /^tbi...$/, :codename => 'johnson.tbi1000.visit1' }, :tbi1000_2 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/tbi_1000', :logfile => 'tbi1000.visit2.scan.log', :filter => /^tbi..._2/, :codename => 'johnson.tbi1000.visit2' }, :tbi1000_3 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/tbi_aware', :logfile => 'tbiaware.visit3.scan.log', :filter => /^tbi..._3$/, :codename => 'johnson.tbiaware.visit3' }, :tbiva => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/johnson.tbi-va.visit1', :logfile => 'tbiva.scan.log', :filter => /^tbi/, :codename => 'johnson.tbiva.visit1' }, :wrap140 => { :dir => '/Data/vtrak1/raw/wrap140', :logfile => 'wrap140.scan.log', :filter => /^wrp/, :codename => 'johnson.wrap140.visit1' } } #:startdoc: # == Function # Imports an entire study. # # == Arguments # study -- a hash specifying the following keys: # :dir => the directory holding all the individual visit directories for this study # :logfile => a file name where logging can be written # :filter => a regex that matches all of the visit directory names that should be scanned # :codename => the study codename, e.g. 'johnson.alz.visit1' # # dbfile -- the database into which meta-data will be inserted # def import_study(study, dbfile) studydir = Pathname.new(study[:dir]) log = Logger.new(study[:logfile], shift_age = 7, shift_size = 1048576) studydir.entries.each do |visit| next if visit.to_s =~ /^\./ next unless visit.to_s =~ study[:filter] visitdir = studydir + visit v = VisitRawDataDirectory.new( visitdir.to_s, study[:codename] ) begin v.scan v.db_insert!(dbfile) rescue Exception => e puts "There was a problem scanning a dataset in #{visitdir}... skipping." puts "Exception message: #{e.message}" LOG.error "There was a problem scanning a dataset in #{visitdir}... skipping." LOG.error "Exception message: #{e.message}" ensure v = nil end end end if __FILE__ == $0 study = STUDIES[ARGV[0].to_sym] dbfile = ARGV[1] import_study(study, dbfile) end