Feature: partials You can use `$ref` to reference to other schemas just like in JSON-Schema documentation Paths must be either `http://` or relative filenames Referenced files can be either `.json` files, or `.json.yml` (Same JSON in YAML) **NOTE:** to reference `file.json.yml` use `$ref: 'file.json#/'` All YAML preprocessing happens behind the scene. Scenario: builds html for "repos/create" in request spec with nested partials Given an empty directory named "html" And a file named "lurker/definitions/user.json.yml" with: """yml --- properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: razum2um surname: type: string example: Unknown """ And a file named "lurker/definitions/repo.json.yml" with: """yml --- properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: new-gem user: $ref: '../definitions/user.json#/' """ And a file named "lurker/api/v1/users/__user_id/repos-POST.json.yml" with: """yml --- description: repo creation prefix: repos management requestParameters: properties: user_id: type: string example: 1 repo: properties: name: type: string example: new-gem responseCodes: - status: 200 successful: true responseParameters: $ref: '../../../../definitions/repo.json#/' extensions: method: POST path_info: "/api/v1/users/1/repos.json" path_params: action: create controller: api/v1/repos user_id: '1' """ Given a file named "spec/requests/repo_creation_spec.rb" with: """ruby require "spec_helper" describe Api::V1::ReposController, :lurker do let!(:user) do User.where(name: 'razum2um').first_or_create! end it "creates a new repo" do expect { post "api/v1/users/#{user.id}/repos.json", repo: { name: 'new-gem' } expect(response).to be_success expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['user']).to eq JSON.parse(user.to_json) }.to change { Repo.count } .by(1) end end """ When I run `bin/rspec spec/requests/repo_creation_spec.rb` Then the example should pass When I successfully run `bin/lurker convert` Then the output should contain these lines: """ Converting lurker to html using lurker create index.html create api/v1/users/__user_id/repos-POST.html """