require '/assets/mercury.js' describe "Mercury.HistoryBuffer", -> beforeEach -> @buffer = new Mercury.HistoryBuffer(5) afterEach -> @buffer = null delete(@buffer) describe "constructor", -> it "accepts a max length", -> expect(@buffer.maxLength).toEqual(5) it "initializes an empty stack", -> expect(@buffer.index).toEqual(0) expect(@buffer.stack).toEqual([]) describe "#push", -> it "won't duplicate items if the content is the same", -> @buffer.push('1') expect(@buffer.stack).toEqual(['1']) @buffer.push('2') expect(@buffer.stack).toEqual(['1', '2']) it "pushes onto the stack where it should", -> @buffer.push('1') @buffer.push('2') expect(@buffer.stack).toEqual(['1', '2']) @buffer.index = 0 @buffer.push('3') expect(@buffer.stack).toEqual(['1', '3']) it "keeps the number of items within the max length by dropping the oldest items", -> @buffer.push('1') @buffer.push('2') @buffer.push('3') @buffer.push('4') @buffer.push('5') expect(@buffer.stack).toEqual(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']) @buffer.push('6') expect(@buffer.stack).toEqual(['2', '3', '4', '5', '6']) describe "#undo", -> beforeEach -> @buffer.push('1') @buffer.push('2') it "returns the correct item", -> expect(@buffer.undo()).toEqual('1') it "returns null if there are no more items to undo", -> expect(@buffer.undo()).toEqual('1') expect(@buffer.undo()).toEqual(null) describe "#redo", -> beforeEach -> @buffer.push('1') @buffer.push('2') it "returns the correct item", -> @buffer.undo() expect(@buffer.redo()).toEqual('2') it "returns null if there are no more items to redo", -> @buffer.undo() expect(@buffer.redo()).toEqual('2') expect(@buffer.redo()).toEqual(null)