module Fog module Storage class GoogleXML module Utils def http_url(params, expires) "http://" << host_path_query(params, expires) end def https_url(params, expires) "https://" << host_path_query(params, expires) end def url(params, expires) Fog::Logger.deprecation("Fog::Storage::Google => #url is deprecated, use #https_url instead [light_black](#{caller.first})[/]") https_url(params, expires) end private def host_path_query(params, expires) params[:headers]["Date"] = expires.to_i params[:path] = CGI.escape(params[:path]).gsub("%2F", "/") query = [params[:query]].compact query << "GoogleAccessId=#{@google_storage_access_key_id}" query << "Signature=#{CGI.escape(signature(params))}" query << "Expires=#{params[:headers]['Date']}" "#{params[:host]}/#{params[:path]}?#{query.join('&')}" end def request_params(params) subdomain = params[:host].split(".#{@host}").first if @path_style || subdomain !~ /^(?!goog)(?:[a-z]|\d(?!\d{0,2}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}$))(?:[a-z0-9]|\.(?![\.\-])|\-(?![\.])){1,61}[a-z0-9]$/ if subdomain =~ /_/ # Fog::Logger.warning("fog: the specified google storage bucket name (#{subdomain}) is not DNS compliant (only characters a through z, digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen).") else # - Bucket names must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes (-), underscores (_), and dots (.). Names containing dots require verification. # - Bucket names must start and end with a number or letter. # - Bucket names must contain 3 to 63 characters. Names containing dots can contain up to 222 characters, but each dot-separated component can be no longer than 63 characters. # - Bucket names cannot be represented as an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for example, # - Bucket names cannot begin with the "goog" prefix. # - Also, for DNS compliance, you should not have a period adjacent to another period or dash. For example, ".." or "-." or ".-" are not acceptable. Fog::Logger.warning("fog: the specified google storage bucket name (#{subdomain}) is not a valid dns name. See:") unless @path_style end params[:host] = params[:host].split("#{subdomain}.")[-1] params[:path] = if params[:path] "#{subdomain}/#{params[:path]}" else subdomain.to_s end subdomain = nil end params[:subdomain] = subdomain if subdomain && subdomain != @host params[:scheme] ||= @scheme params[:port] ||= @port params end end end end end