#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'commander' module BowtieStart class Runner include Commander::Methods # include whatever modules you need def run program :name, 'bowtie_starter' program :version, '0.0.1' program :description, ' ===================== | | | \ / | | | \ / | | | ||\ \/ /|| | | || \ / || | | ||/ /\ \|| | | | / \ | | | / \| | | | ===================== Bowtie Starter ----------- Ship, ya hooligan. This gem installs all of our starter kits. ' default_command :help command :install_dependencies do |c| c.syntax = 'bts install_dependencies' c.summary = 'Installs hugo, hexo.' c.description = 'Installs all of the CLI starters' c.example 'description', 'bts install_dependencies' c.action do |args, options| %x(brew update && brew install hugo && npm install -g hexo-cli) end end command :jekyll do |c| c.syntax = 'bts jekyll ' c.summary = 'Installs a start jekyll project' c.description = 'igolden/jekyll-starter' c.example 'description', 'command example' c.action do |args, options| %x(git clone git@github.com:igolden/jekyll-start #{ARGV[1]}) end end command :jekyll_react do |c| c.syntax = 'bts jekyll-react ' c.summary = 'Installs a jekyll-react starter' c.description = 'igolden/jekyll-react' c.example 'description', 'command example' c.action do |args, options| %x(git clone git@github.com:igolden/jekyll-react #{ARGV[1]}) end end command :hexo do |c| c.syntax = 'bts hexo ' c.summary = 'Installs the default hexo INIT project' c.description = 'INITs a project with hexo-cli' c.example 'description', 'command example' c.action do |args, options| ARGV[1].nil? ? (puts "Please specify a project dir. ex: 'bts hexo hello_world_project'") : (%x(hexo init #{ARGV[1]})) end end command :hugo do |c| c.syntax = 'bts hugo ' c.summary = 'Installs a default hugo project' c.description = 'hugo new site ' c.example 'description', 'command example' c.action do |args, options| ARGV[1].nil? ? (puts "Please specify a project dir. ex: 'bts hugo hello_world_project'") : (%x(hugo new site #{ARGV[1]})) end end command :react_spa do |c| c.syntax = 'bts react-spa ' c.summary = 'Installs react-redux starter' c.description = 'davezuko/react-redux-starter-kit' c.example 'description', 'command example' c.action do |args, options| %x(git clone git@github.com:davezuko/react-redux-starter-kit.git #{ARGV[1]}) end end command :react_native do |c| c.syntax = 'bts react-native ' c.summary = 'Installs default react-native starter' c.description = 'react-native init ...' c.example 'description', 'command example' c.action do |args, options| ARGV[1].nil? ? (puts "Please specify a project dir. ex: 'bts react_native hello_world_project'") : (%x(react-native init #{ARGV[1]})) end end run! end end end