require 'rmail' module Redwood module MBox class Loader < Source attr_reader_cloned :labels def initialize uri_or_fp, start_offset=nil, usual=true, archived=false, id=nil super @mutex = @labels = [:unread] @labels << :inbox unless archived? case uri_or_fp when String raise ArgumentError, "not an mbox uri" unless uri_or_fp =~ %r!mbox://! fn = uri_or_fp.sub(%r!^mbox://!, "") ## heuristic: use the filename as a label, unless the file ## has a path that probably represents an inbox. @labels << File.basename(fn).intern unless File.dirname(fn) =~ /\b(var|usr|spool)\b/ @f = fn else @f = uri_or_fp end end def start_offset; 0; end def end_offset; File.size @f; end def pct_done; 100.0 * cur_offset.to_f / end_offset.to_f; end def load_header offset header = nil @mutex.synchronize do offset l = @f.gets unless l =~ BREAK_RE Redwood::log "#{to_s}: offset mismatch in mbox file offset #{offset.inspect}: #{l.inspect}" self.broken_msg = "offset mismatch in mbox file offset #{offset.inspect}: #{l.inspect}. Run 'sup-import --rebuild #{to_s}' to correct this." raise SourceError, self.broken_msg end header = MBox::read_header @f end header end def load_message offset raise SourceError, self.broken_msg if broken? @mutex.synchronize do offset begin do |input| return end rescue RMail::Parser::Error => e raise SourceError, "error parsing message with rmail: #{e.message}" end end end def raw_header offset raise SourceError, self.broken_msg if broken? ret = "" @mutex.synchronize do offset until @f.eof? || (l = @f.gets) =~ /^$/ ret += l end end ret end def raw_full_message offset raise SourceError, self.broken_msg if broken? ret = "" @mutex.synchronize do offset @f.gets # skip mbox header until @f.eof? || (l = @f.gets) =~ BREAK_RE ret += l end end ret end def next raise SourceError, self.broken_msg if broken? returned_offset = nil next_offset = cur_offset @mutex.synchronize do cur_offset ## cur_offset could be at one of two places here: ## 1. before a \n and a mbox separator, if it was previously at ## EOF and a new message was added; or, ## 2. at the beginning of an mbox separator (in all other ## cases). l = @f.gets or raise "next while at EOF" if l =~ /^\s*$/ # case 1 returned_offset = @f.tell @f.gets # now we're at a BREAK_RE, so skip past it else # case 2 returned_offset = cur_offset ## we've already skipped past the BREAK_RE, to just go end while(line = @f.gets) break if line =~ BREAK_RE next_offset = @f.tell end end self.cur_offset = next_offset [returned_offset, labels] end end Redwood::register_yaml(Loader, %w(uri cur_offset usual archived id)) end end