require 'git' require 'erb' require 'net/http' require 'uri' class Jeweler class NoGitUserName < StandardError end class NoGitUserEmail < StandardError end class FileInTheWay < StandardError end class NoGitHubRepoNameGiven < StandardError end class NoGitHubUser < StandardError end class NoGitHubToken < StandardError end class GitInitFailed < StandardError end class Generator attr_accessor :target_dir, :user_name, :user_email, :summary, :testing_framework, :github_repo_name, :github_username, :github_token, :repo, :should_create_repo, :should_use_cucumber SUPPORTED_TESTING_FRAMEWORKS = [:shoulda, :testunit, :bacon, :rspec, :micronaut, :minitest] def initialize(github_repo_name, options = {}) if github_repo_name.nil? || github_repo_name.squeeze.strip == "" raise NoGitHubRepoNameGiven end self.github_repo_name = github_repo_name self.testing_framework = (options[:testing_framework] || :shoulda).to_sym unless SUPPORTED_TESTING_FRAMEWORKS.include? self.testing_framework raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported testing framework (#{testing_framework})" end self.target_dir = options[:directory] || self.github_repo_name self.should_create_repo = options[:create_repo] self.summary = options[:summary] || 'TODO' self.should_use_cucumber= options[:use_cucumber] use_user_git_config end def run create_files gitify $stdout.puts "Jeweler has prepared your gem in #{github_repo_name}" if should_create_repo create_and_push_repo $stdout.puts "Jeweler has pushed your repo to #{github_url}" enable_gem_for_repo $stdout.puts "Jeweler has enabled gem building for your repo" end end # Directory where 'tests' live def test_dir test_or_spec end # Default rake task to use def default_task case testing_framework.to_sym when :shoulda, :testunit, :minitest 'test' when :bacon, :rspec 'spec' when :micronaut 'examples' else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know default task for #{testing_framework}" end end def feature_support_require case testing_framework.to_sym when :testunit, :shoulda, :bacon # NOTE bacon doesn't really work inside of cucumber 'test/unit/assertions' when :minitest 'mini/test' when :rspec 'spec/expectations' when :micronaut 'micronaut/expectations' else raise "Don't know what to require for #{testing_framework}" end end def feature_support_extend case testing_framework.to_sym when :testunit, :shoulda, :bacon # NOTE bacon doesn't really work inside of cucumber 'Test::Unit::Assertions' when :minitest 'Mini::Test::Assertions' when :rspec nil when :micronaut 'Micronaut::Matchers' else raise "Don't know what to extend for #{testing_framework}" end end def github_remote "{github_username}/#{github_repo_name}.git" end def github_url "{github_username}/#{github_repo_name}" end def constant_name self.github_repo_name.split(/[-_]/).collect{|each| each.capitalize }.join end def file_name_prefix self.github_repo_name.gsub('-', '_') end def lib_dir 'lib' end def test_dir case testing_framework.to_sym when :shoulda, :testunit, :minitest 'test' when :bacon, :rspec 'spec' when :micronaut 'examples' else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know test dir for #{testing_framework.inspect}" end end def test_filename "#{file_name_prefix}_#{test_or_spec}.rb" end def test_helper_filename "#{test_or_spec}_helper.rb" end def feature_filename "#{file_name_prefix}.feature" end def steps_filename "#{file_name_prefix}_steps.rb" end def features_dir 'features' end def features_support_dir File.join(features_dir, 'support') end def features_steps_dir File.join(features_dir, 'step_definitions') end def test_or_spec case testing_framework.to_sym when :shoulda, :testunit, :minitest 'test' when :bacon, :rspec 'spec' when :micronaut 'example' else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown test style: #{testing_framework}" end end protected # This is in a separate method so we can stub it out during testing def read_git_config # we could just use Git::Base's .config, but that relies on a repo being around already # ... which we don't have yet, since this is part of a sanity check lib =, nil) config = lib.parse_config '~/.gitconfig' end private def create_files unless File.exists?(target_dir) || FileUtils.mkdir target_dir else raise FileInTheWay, "The directory #{target_dir} already exists, aborting. Maybe move it out of the way before continuing?" end output_template_in_target '.gitignore' output_template_in_target 'Rakefile' output_template_in_target 'LICENSE' output_template_in_target 'README.rdoc' mkdir_in_target lib_dir touch_in_target File.join(lib_dir, "#{file_name_prefix}.rb") mkdir_in_target test_dir output_template_in_target File.join(testing_framework.to_s, 'helper.rb'), File.join(test_dir, test_helper_filename) output_template_in_target File.join(testing_framework.to_s, 'flunking.rb'), File.join(test_dir, test_filename) if should_use_cucumber mkdir_in_target features_dir output_template_in_target File.join(%w(features default.feature)), File.join('features', feature_filename) mkdir_in_target features_support_dir output_template_in_target File.join(features_support_dir, 'env.rb') mkdir_in_target features_steps_dir touch_in_target File.join(features_steps_dir, steps_filename) end end def use_user_git_config git_config = self.read_git_config unless git_config.has_key? '' raise NoGitUserName end unless git_config.has_key? '' raise NoGitUserEmail end unless git_config.has_key? 'github.user' raise NoGitHubUser end unless git_config.has_key? 'github.token' raise NoGitHubToken end self.user_name = git_config[''] self.user_email = git_config[''] self.github_username = git_config['github.user'] self.github_token = git_config['github.token'] end def output_template_in_target(source, destination = source) final_destination = File.join(target_dir, destination) template_contents =, source)) template =, nil, '<>') template_result = template.result(binding), 'w') {|file| file.write(template_result)} $stdout.puts "\tcreate\t#{destination}" end def template_dir File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates') end def mkdir_in_target(directory) final_destination = File.join(target_dir, directory) FileUtils.mkdir final_destination $stdout.puts "\tcreate\t#{directory}" end def touch_in_target(destination) final_destination = File.join(target_dir, destination) FileUtils.touch final_destination $stdout.puts "\tcreate\t#{destination}" end def gitify saved_pwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(target_dir) begin begin @repo = Git.init() rescue Git::GitExecuteError => e raise GitInitFailed, "Encountered an error during gitification. Maybe the repo already exists, or has already been pushed to?" end begin @repo.add('.') rescue Git::GitExecuteError => e #raise GitAddFailed, "There was some problem adding this directory to the git changeset" raise end begin @repo.commit "Initial commit to #{github_repo_name}." rescue Git::GitExecuteError => e raise end begin @repo.add_remote('origin', github_remote) rescue Git::GitExecuteError => e puts "Encountered an error while adding origin remote. Maybe you have some weird settings in ~/.gitconfig?" raise end ensure Dir.chdir(saved_pwd) end end def create_and_push_repo Net::HTTP.post_form URI.parse(''), 'login' => github_username, 'token' => github_token, 'repository[description]' => summary, 'repository[name]' => github_repo_name # TODO do a HEAD request to see when it's ready @repo.push('origin') end def enable_gem_for_repo url = "{github_username}/#{github_repo_name}/update" `curl -F 'login=#{github_username}' -F 'token=#{github_token}' -F 'field=repository_rubygem' -F 'value=1' #{url} 2>/dev/null` # FIXME use NET::HTTP instead of curl #Net::HTTP.post_form URI.parse(url), #'login' => github_username, #'token' => github_token, #'field' => 'repository_rubygem', #'value' => '1' end end end