module IsoDoc::WordFunction module Body def anchor_names(docxml) super renumber_footnotes(docxml) end # undo merger of seen footnotes def renumber_footnotes(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//fn[not(ancestor::table or "\ "ancestor::figure)]")).each_with_index do |f, i| f["reference"] = (i + 1).to_s end end def body_attr { lang: "EN-US", link: "blue", vlink: "#954F72" } end def make_body1(body, _docxml) FileUtils.rm_rf tmpimagedir FileUtils.mkdir tmpimagedir body.div **{ class: "WordSection1" } do |div1| div1.p { |p| p << " " } # placeholder end section_break(body) end def make_body2(body, docxml) body.div **{ class: "WordSection2" } do |div2| abstract docxml, div2 foreword docxml, div2 introduction docxml, div2 div2.p { |p| p << " " } # placeholder end section_break(body) end def make_body3(body, docxml) body.div **{ class: "WordSection3" } do |div3| middle docxml, div3 footnotes div3 comments div3 end end def insert_tab(out, n) out.span **attr_code(style: "mso-tab-count:#{n}") do |span| [1..n].each { span << "  " } end end def para_class(_node) classtype = nil classtype = "Note" if @note classtype = "MsoCommentText" if in_comment classtype = "Sourcecode" if @annotation classtype end def remove_bottom_border(td) td["style"] = td["style"].gsub(/border-bottom:[^;]+;/, "border-bottom:0pt;"). gsub(/mso-border-bottom-alt:[^;]+;/, "mso-border-bottom-alt:0pt;") end SW1 = "solid windowtext".freeze def new_fullcolspan_row(t, tfoot) # how many columns in the table? cols = 0".//tr").xpath("./td | ./th").each do |td| cols += (td["colspan"] ? td["colspan"].to_i : 1) end style = %{border-top:0pt;mso-border-top-alt:0pt;border-bottom:#{SW1} 1.5pt;mso-border-bottom-alt:#{SW1} 1.5pt;} tfoot.add_child("") tfoot.xpath(".//td").last end def make_tr_attr(td, row, totalrows, _header) style = == "th" ? "font-weight:bold;" : "" rowmax = td["rowspan"] ? row + td["rowspan"].to_i - 1 : row style += <<~STYLE border-top:#{ ? "#{SW1} 1.5pt;" : 'none;'} mso-border-top-alt:#{ ? "#{SW1} 1.5pt;" : 'none;'} border-bottom:#{SW1} #{rowmax == totalrows ? '1.5' : '1.0'}pt; mso-border-bottom-alt:#{SW1} #{rowmax == totalrows ? '1.5' : '1.0'}pt; STYLE { rowspan: td["rowspan"], colspan: td["colspan"], align: td["align"], style: style.gsub(/\n/, "") } end def section_break(body) body.p do |p| **{ clear: "all", class: "section" } end end def page_break(out) out.p do |p| **{ clear: "all", style: "mso-special-character:line-break;page-break-before:always" } end end WORD_DT_ATTRS = {class: @note ? "Note" : nil, align: "left", style: "margin-left:0pt;text-align:left;"}.freeze def dt_parse(dt, term) term.p **attr_code(WORD_DT_ATTRS) do |p| if dt.elements.empty? p << dt.text else dt.children.each { |n| parse(n, p) } end end end def dl_parse(node, out) out.table **{ class: "dl" } do |v| { |n| dt_dd? n }.each_slice(2) do |dt, dd| do |tr| **{ valign: "top", align: "left" } do |term| dt_parse(dt, term) end **{ valign: "top" } do |listitem| dd.children.each { |n| parse(n, listitem) } end end end dl_parse_notes(node, v) end end def dl_parse_notes(node, v) return if node.elements.reject { |n| dt_dd? n }.empty? do |tr| **{ colspan: 2 } do |td| node.elements.reject { |n| dt_dd? n }.each { |n| parse(n, td) } end end end def figure_get_or_make_dl(t) dl =".//table[@class = 'dl']") if dl.nil? t.add_child("


") dl =".//table[@class = 'dl']") end dl end def figure_aside_process(f, aside, key) # get rid of footnote link, it is in diagram f&.at("./a[@class='TableFootnoteRef']")&.remove fnref =".//a[@class='TableFootnoteRef']") tr = key.add_child("").first dt = tr.add_child("").first dd = tr.add_child("").first fnref.parent = dt aside.xpath(".//p").each do |a| a.delete("class") a.parent = dd end end def note_p_parse(node, div) div.p **{ class: "Note" } do |p| p.span **{ class: "note_label" } do |s| s << note_label(node) end insert_tab(p, 1) node.first_element_child.children.each { |n| parse(n, p) } end node.element_children[1..-1].each { |n| parse(n, div) } end def note_parse1(node, div) div.p **{ class: "Note" } do |p| p.span **{ class: "note_label" } do |s| s << note_label(node) end insert_tab(p, 1) end node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end def termnote_parse(node, out) out.div **{ class: "Note" } do |div| first = node.first_element_child div.p **{ class: "Note" } do |p| anchor = get_anchors[node['id']] p << "#{anchor&.dig(:label) || '???'}: " para_then_remainder(first, node, p, div) end end end def para_attrs(node) attrs = { class: para_class(node), id: node["id"] } unless node["align"].nil? attrs[:align] = node["align"] unless node["align"] == "justify" attrs[:style] = "text-align:#{node['align']}" end attrs end def imgsrc(uri) return uri unless %r{^data:image/}.match uri save_dataimage(uri) end def image_parse(node, out, caption) attrs = { src: imgsrc(node["src"]), height: node["height"], width: node["width"] } if node["height"] == "auto" || node["width"] == "auto" attrs[:height] = nil attrs[:width] = nil end out.img **attr_code(attrs) image_title_parse(out, caption) end def xref_parse(node, out) target = /#/.match(node["target"]) ? node["target"].sub(/#/, ".doc#") : "##{node["target"]}" out.a(**{ "href": target }) { |l| l << get_linkend(node) } end def example_table_attr(node) super.merge({ style: "mso-table-lspace:15.0cm;margin-left:423.0pt;"\ "mso-table-rspace:15.0cm;margin-right:423.0pt;mso-table-bspace:14.2pt;"\ "mso-table-anchor-vertical:paragraph;mso-table-anchor-horizontal:column;"\ "mso-table-overlap:never;border-collapse:collapse;" }) end def make_table_attr(node) super.merge({ style: "mso-table-lspace:15.0cm;margin-left:423.0pt;"\ "mso-table-rspace:15.0cm;margin-right:423.0pt;mso-table-bspace:14.2pt;"\ "mso-table-anchor-vertical:paragraph;mso-table-anchor-horizontal:column;"\ "mso-table-overlap:never;border-spacing:0;border-width:1px;" }) end def table_parse(node, out) @in_table = true table_title_parse(node, out) out.div **{ align: "center" } do |div| div.table **make_table_attr(node) do |t| thead_parse(node, t) tbody_parse(node, t) tfoot_parse(node, t) (dl ="./dl"))) && parse(dl, out) node.xpath(ns("./note")).each { |n| parse(n, out) } end end @in_table = false end end end