require 'date' require 'json' # @since 0.1.0 module Locabulary VERSION='0.1.3'.freeze DATA_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path("../../data/", __FILE__).freeze class RuntimeError < ::RuntimeError end class Item include Comparable ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = [:predicate_name, :term_label, :term_uri, :default_presentation_sequence, :activated_on, :deactivated_on].freeze attr_reader(*ATTRIBUTE_NAMES) def initialize(attributes = {}) ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.each do |key| value = attributes.fetch(key) { attributes.fetch(key.to_s, nil) } send("#{key}=", value) end end SORT_SEQUENCE_FOR_NIL = 100_000_000 def <=>(other) value = presentation_sequence <=> other.presentation_sequence return value unless value == 0 term_label <=> other.term_label end def presentation_sequence default_presentation_sequence || SORT_SEQUENCE_FOR_NIL end private attr_writer(*ATTRIBUTE_NAMES) end module_function # @api public # @since 0.1.0 # # @note A concession about the as_of; This is not a live query. The data has a # low churn rate. And while the date is important, I'm not as concerned # about the local controlled vocabulary exposing a date that has expired. # When we next deploy the server changes, the deactivated will go away. def active_items_for(options = {}) predicate_name = options.fetch(:predicate_name) as_of = options.fetch(:as_of) { } active_cache[predicate_name] ||= begin filename = filename_for_predicate_name(predicate_name: predicate_name) JSON.parse([]) do |item_values, mem| activated_on = Date.parse(item_values.fetch('activated_on')) next unless activated_on < as_of deactivated_on_value = item_values.fetch('deactivated_on') if deactivated_on_value.nil? mem << else deactivated_on = Date.parse(deactivated_on_value) next unless deactivated_on >= as_of mem << end mem end.sort end end # @api public # @since 0.1.0 def active_label_for_uri(options = {}) predicate_name = options.fetch(:predicate_name) term_uri = options.fetch(:term_uri) object = active_items_for(predicate_name: predicate_name).detect { |obj| obj.term_uri == term_uri } return object.term_label if object term_uri end # @api public # @since 0.1.0 def active_labels_for(options = {}) predicate_name = options.fetch(:predicate_name) active_items_for(predicate_name: predicate_name).map(&:term_label) end # @api private def filename_for_predicate_name(options = {}) predicate_name = options.fetch(:predicate_name) filename = File.join(DATA_DIRECTORY, "#{File.basename(predicate_name)}.json") return filename if File.exist?(filename) raise Locabulary::RuntimeError, "Unable to find predicate_name: #{predicate_name}" end # @api private def active_cache @active_cache ||= {} end # @api private def reset_active_cache! @active_cache = nil end end