module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues VERSION_NUMBER ||= :VERSION_NUMBER # originally defined in IncrementVersionNumberAction end class GetVersionNumberAction < Action require 'shellwords' def xcodeproj_path_or_dir = params[:xcodeproj] || '.' xcodeproj_dir = File.extname(xcodeproj_path_or_dir) == ".xcodeproj" ? File.dirname(xcodeproj_path_or_dir) : xcodeproj_path_or_dir target_name = params[:target] configuration = params[:configuration] # Get version_number project = get_project!(xcodeproj_path_or_dir) target = get_target!(project, target_name) plist_file = get_plist!(xcodeproj_dir, target, configuration) version_number = get_version_number_from_plist!(plist_file) # Get from build settings (or project settings) if needed (ex: $(MARKETING_VERSION) is default in Xcode 11) if version_number =~ /\$\(([\w\-]+)\)/ version_number = get_version_number_from_build_settings!(target, $1, configuration) || get_version_number_from_build_settings!(project, $1, configuration) # ${MARKETING_VERSION} also works elsif version_number =~ /\$\{([\w\-]+)\}/ version_number = get_version_number_from_build_settings!(target, $1, configuration) || get_version_number_from_build_settings!(project, $1, configuration) end # Error out if version_number is not set if version_number.nil? UI.user_error!("Unable to find Xcode build setting: #{$1}") end # Store the number in the shared hash Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER] = version_number # Return the version number because Swift might need this return value return version_number end def self.get_project!(xcodeproj_path_or_dir) require 'xcodeproj' if File.extname(xcodeproj_path_or_dir) == ".xcodeproj" project_path = xcodeproj_path_or_dir else project_path = Dir.glob("#{xcodeproj_path_or_dir}/*.xcodeproj").first end if project_path && File.exist?(project_path) return else UI.user_error!("Unable to find Xcode project at #{project_path || xcodeproj_path_or_dir}") end end def self.get_target!(project, target_name) targets = project.targets # Prompt targets if no name unless target_name # Gets non-test targets non_test_targets = targets.reject do |t| # Not all targets respond to `test_target_type?` t.respond_to?(:test_target_type?) && t.test_target_type? end # Returns if only one non-test target if non_test_targets.count == 1 return targets.first end options = target_name ="What target would you like to use?", options) end # Find target target = targets.find do |t| == target_name end UI.user_error!("Cannot find target named '#{target_name}'") unless target target end def self.get_version_number_from_build_settings!(target, variable, configuration = nil) target.build_configurations.each do |config| if configuration.nil? || == configuration value = config.resolve_build_setting(variable) return value if value end end return nil end def self.get_plist!(folder, target, configuration = nil) plist_files = target.resolved_build_setting("INFOPLIST_FILE", true) plist_files_count = plist_files.values.compact.uniq.count # Get plist file for specified configuration # Or: Prompt for configuration if plist has different files in each configurations # Else: Get first(only) plist value if configuration plist_file = plist_files[configuration] elsif plist_files_count > 1 options = plist_files.keys selected ="What build configuration would you like to use?", options) plist_file = plist_files[selected] elsif plist_files_count > 0 plist_file = plist_files.values.first else return nil end # $(SRCROOT) is the path of where the XcodeProject is # We can just set this as empty string since we join with `folder` below if plist_file.include?("$(SRCROOT)/") plist_file.gsub!("$(SRCROOT)/", "") end # plist_file can be `Relative` or `Absolute` path. # Make to `Absolute` path when plist_file is `Relative` path unless File.exist?(plist_file) plist_file = File.absolute_path(File.join(folder, plist_file)) end UI.user_error!("Cannot find plist file: #{plist_file}") unless File.exist?(plist_file) plist_file end def self.get_version_number_from_plist!(plist_file) return '$(MARKETING_VERSION)' if plist_file.nil? plist = Xcodeproj::Plist.read_from_path(plist_file) UI.user_error!("Unable to read plist: #{plist_file}") unless plist return '${MARKETING_VERSION}' if plist["CFBundleShortVersionString"].nil? plist["CFBundleShortVersionString"] end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Get the version number of your project" end def self.details "This action will return the current version number set on your project. It first looks in the plist and then for '$(MARKETING_VERSION)' in the build settings." end def self.available_options [ :xcodeproj, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_PROJECT", description: "Path to the Xcode project to read version number from, or its containing directory, optional. If ommitted, or if a directory is passed instead, it will use the first Xcode project found within the given directory, or the project root directory if none is passed", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass the path to the project or its containing directory, not the workspace path") if value.end_with?(".xcworkspace") UI.user_error!("Could not find file or directory at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error!("Could not find Xcode project in directory at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") if File.extname(value) != ".xcodeproj" && Dir.glob("#{value}/*.xcodeproj").empty? end), :target, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_TARGET", description: "Target name, optional. Will be needed if you have more than one non-test target to avoid being prompted to select one", optional: true), :configuration, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_CONFIGURATION", description: "Configuration name, optional. Will be needed if you have altered the configurations from the default or your version number depends on the configuration selected", optional: true) ] end def self.output [ ['VERSION_NUMBER', 'The version number'] ] end def self.authors ["Liquidsoul", "joshdholtz"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'version = get_version_number(xcodeproj: "Project.xcodeproj")', 'version = get_version_number( xcodeproj: "Project.xcodeproj", target: "App" )' ] end def self.return_type :string end def self.category :project end end end end