require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe Keen::Client do let(:project_id) { "12345" } let(:api_key) { "abcde" } let(:collection) { "users" } let(:event_properties) { { "name" => "Bob" } } let(:api_success) { { "created" => true } } def stub_api(url, status, json_body) stub_request(:post, url).to_return( :status => status, :body => MultiJson.encode(json_body)) end def expect_post(url, event_properties, api_key) WebMock.should have_requested(:post, url).with( :body => MultiJson.encode(event_properties), :headers => { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "User-Agent" => "keen-gem v#{Keen::VERSION}", "Authorization" => api_key }) end def api_url(collection) "{project_id}/events/#{collection}" end describe "#initialize" do context "deprecated" do it "should allow created via project_id and api_key args" do client =, api_key) client.api_key.should == api_key client.project_id.should == project_id end end it "should initialize with options" do client = :project_id => project_id, :api_key => api_key) client.api_key.should == api_key client.project_id.should == project_id end end describe "with a unconfigured client" do [:publish, :publish_async].each do |_method| describe "##{_method}" do it "should raise an exception if no project_id" do expect { => api_key). send(_method, collection, event_properties) }.to raise_error(Keen::ConfigurationError) end it "should raise an exception if no api_key" do expect { => project_id). send(_method, collection, event_properties) }.to raise_error(Keen::ConfigurationError) end end end end describe "with a configured client" do before do @client = :project_id => project_id, :api_key => api_key) end describe "#publish" do it "should post using the collection and properties" do stub_api(api_url(collection), 201, "") @client.publish(collection, event_properties) expect_post(api_url(collection), event_properties, api_key) end it "should return the proper response" do api_response = { "created" => true } stub_api(api_url(collection), 201, api_response) @client.publish(collection, event_properties).should == api_response end it "should wrap exceptions" do stub_request(:post, api_url(collection)).to_timeout e = nil begin @client.publish(collection, event_properties) rescue Exception => exception e = exception end e.class.should == Keen::HttpError e.original_error.class.should == Timeout::Error e.message.should == "Couldn't connect to Keen IO: execution expired" end end describe "#publish_async" do # no TLS support in EventMachine on jRuby unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) it "should require a running event loop" do expect { @client.publish_async(collection, event_properties) }.to raise_error(Keen::Error) end it "should post the event data" do stub_api(api_url(collection), 201, api_success) { @client.publish_async(collection, event_properties).callback { expect_post(api_url(collection), event_properties, api_key) EM.stop } } end describe "deferrable callbacks" do it "should trigger callbacks" do stub_api(api_url(collection), 201, api_success) { @client.publish_async(collection, event_properties).callback { |response| response.should == api_success EM.stop } } end it "should trigger errbacks" do stub_request(:post, api_url(collection)).to_timeout { @client.publish_async(collection, event_properties).errback { |error| error.should_not be_nil error.message.should == "Couldn't connect to Keen IO: WebMock timeout error" EM.stop } } end end end end describe "response handling" do def stub_status_and_publish(code, api_response=nil) stub_api(api_url(collection), code, api_response) @client.publish(collection, event_properties) end it "should return the json body for a 200-201" do api_response = { "created" => "true" } stub_status_and_publish(200, api_response).should == api_response stub_status_and_publish(201, api_response).should == api_response end it "should raise a bad request error for a 400" do expect { stub_status_and_publish(400) }.to raise_error(Keen::BadRequestError) end it "should raise a authentication error for a 401" do expect { stub_status_and_publish(401) }.to raise_error(Keen::AuthenticationError) end it "should raise a not found error for a 404" do expect { stub_status_and_publish(404) }.to raise_error(Keen::NotFoundError) end it "should raise an http error otherwise" do expect { stub_status_and_publish(420) }.to raise_error(Keen::HttpError) end end describe "#add_event" do it "should alias to publish" do @client.should_receive(:publish).with("users", {:a => 1}, {:b => 2}) @client.add_event("users", {:a => 1}, {:b => 2}) end end end end