class CLI INTRO_MESSAGE = "WELCOME TO CRAIGSLIST SCRAPPER!" def run @scrape = puts INTRO_MESSAGE choice = "" while choice != "exit" choice = display_main_menu if choice == "scrape" get_menu_input create_items_from_array(scrape_apple_prodcuts) grab_apple_prodcuts end end end def display_main_menu stars = "************************".colorize(:yellow) puts "#{stars} MAIN MENU #{stars}" puts "Enter \"scrape\" to scrape.".colorize(:blue) puts "Enter \"exit\" to end program.".colorize(:yellow) puts "What would you like to do?".colorize(:blue) gets.chomp end def get_menu_input display_states puts "Please enter a number for the state you'd like to scrape.".colorize(:green) #convert number input from user @state_scraped = convert_to_state(gets.chomp) display_cities(@state_scraped) puts "Please enter a number for the city you'd like to scrape.".colorize(:green) @city_scraped = convert_to_city(@state_scraped, gets.chomp) puts "You have chosen the state of #{@state_scraped}, and the city of #{@city_scraped.capitalize}." end def display_states @scrape.get_states_names.each_with_index do |state, index| print "#{index + 1}. #{state} ".ljust(28) if (index + 1) % 5 == 0 print "\n" end end print "\n" end def display_cities(state) @state_cities = @scrape.get_state_cities(state) #find max length of city and use it left justify everything else for screen output max_length = @state_cities.each_with_index do |city, index| print "#{index + 1}. #{city.capitalize.ljust(max_length)} " if (index + 1) % 3 == 0 print "\n" end end print "\n" end def convert_to_state(state_number) #it takes in a number and returns the corresponding state's name @scrape.get_states_names[state_number.to_i - 1] end def convert_to_city(state, city_number) #it takes in a number and returns the corresponding city's name @state_cities[city_number.to_i - 1] end def scrape_apple_prodcuts @scraped_city_url = @scrape.return_city_link(@state_scraped, @city_scraped) @phones = @scrape.scrape_by_city_url(@scraped_city_url) end def grab_apple_prodcuts puts "Price enter a price higher than 150 to see the list of phones, defualt price is 150.".colorize(:blue) display_apple_products_info(@city.get_apple_prods_by_price(gets.chomp)) end def get_choice puts "Enter number to see link phone on browser.".colorize(:cyan) puts "next for more phones".colorize(:green) puts "Or enter exit to re-scrape.".colorize(:blue) gets.chomp end end